Chapter 20: It's All Confusing part 2

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It was an intense battle but we finally defeated him. He fell to the ground and Ven, Aqua and I ran to him, "Terra!" Holding him up.
"Aqua… Ven…" Terra said.
"Terra, please…" Aqua cried.
"Come back..!" Ven yelled.
"Terra!" I yelled.
"Terra! Your friends are here!" Sora roasted his voice.
Terra' head was hurting so much, he screamed and chains of darkness came out, capturing Aqua, Ven and Sora. I avoid the chains to attack Terra-Xehanort then he captures me with his chains and throws me hard to the wall. Losing all my ability to move I slowly close my eyes, hearing their voices calling my name and then it all fades away.
""I'm hearing a beeping sound and it's getting faster."
"Go get the doctor!"
"That's Kairi's voice."
"Geve Sora a call! He needs to be here fast," hearing somebody's moving.
"And that's Riku."
"I came as fast as I could, how is she?"
"That Digory, wait, what is it here?"
"Thank goodness, you here Sora," Kairi said with relief.
"Why is she calling him Sora?"
"How is Len?" He said worried.
"Her heartbeat started peeing fast, so I told Riku to get the doctor."
"What's going on? It's dark and I can't see anything. The beeping is getting faster."
I felt warm, touching my hand, "Len please come back," Digory's voice came out.
"I think Digory was right. I don't belong here, but still there is something that I need to finish. So I'm not going back yet."
I opened my eyes slowly seeing Sorra holding the keyblade towards Terra-Xehanort yelling, "Terra! Now!"
Then a bright light came out and the next thing I know Terra came back to normal. He ran to Ven and Aqua; holding Ven in his arms. Sora came to me, "Are you all right?"
"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I said, getting up slowly.
"You need to rest," he said, concerned.
"No, I'm fine. Let's go to them," I went to them.
Sora followed me seeing them hugging each other, he smiled, "Aqua and Ventus need rest. Terra, look after them," he said, then he went and I followed him.
"No, guys, I'm going too," Ven said, and they all stood up and tried to go with us, but Ven and Aqua couldn't walk.
"That's what he wants. For us to make a mistake. Put ourselves in danger," Sora said, then he looked at me, "You should rest as well."
"No, I'm fine, I can keep going. Besides I slept most of the fight, sorry, I couldn't help, but see the bright side, I'm full of energy."
"Sora, Soreen go. We'll catch up with you," Aqua said.
"Right. We got this." Sora said.
As we were running to go to the others, I looked at my hand and saw it glowing. The moment it hits me, I'm going away, I stopped, "Hey Sora, no brother or rather big brother."
"I'm your twin not your older brother," he said.
"Well traveling through time sure is up the age. Anyway, I'm a bit tired. I'm going to rest here and catch up with you with the others later."
"Sure thing, look after yours," he said started to run.
"Sora, wait there's something I need to tell you," I came to him, "I want you to promise me something, once this is all over, we all go to the beach."
"That's a good idea."
I raise my pinky to him, "Promised me," he looked at me with a smile, "I know this is childish, but just do it."
"All right, fine I'll do it," he put his hand to mine, "I promise we all go to the beach after all this is over."
I move my hand, "Thank you, I think you have to keep going."
"See later sister," he said smiling.
"Yeah," I forced my smile. Then I saw him go away. I looked at myself, and I started to glow, I went to the wall and sat down. Looking at the sky singing, "When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow, and the places that you know, seem like fantasy. There's a light inside your soul, that's still shining in the cold. With the truth, the promise in our hearts. Don't forget, they're with you in the dark."
I looked at myself and started glowing, "So I guess, I have done what I have to do ."
"Soreen!" I heard Ven's voice. I locked and Ven, Aqua, and Terra were coming to me. I stood up and smiled, "What's going on? Why are you glowing?" Ven asked worriedly.
"It's kind of a long story, but to make a chart, I'm going somewhere."
"Where?" Aqua asked.
"I don't know."
"Then we'll look for you," Ven responded.
"Thank you, but the place that I'm going to does not exist."
"That doesn't make any sense," Terra was confused.
"I know it's a bit confusing, but please, before I go. There's two things that I want you to do for me. First I want you guys to finish what's on your hands, what I mean is defeat Xehanort. And second if I return I act mean, or I forgot about you, please be patient and you forgot about me I thought I forgive you."
"What are you talking about? You're not making any sense," Ven started to cheer up.
"Oh come, don't be like that face. Smile before I go, that's how I want to remember you."
"No you're not going anywhere," Ven crying hugging me, Aqua and Terra came in.
"Thanks you guys, even though we are millions of miles away from each other, we're always connected," I close my eyes tearing up. Feeling comfortable lying down on a bed, I open my eyes to see a white ceiling, looking besides me, Riku and Kairi and she is crying, "Where am I?" I said and my head is hurting.
"You're in a hospital," I heard Digory's voice, I looked beside me and I saw Digory and a person wearing a lab coat. He had blonde long hair and green eyes.
He got closer to me and started asking questions, "How do you feel, mess?"
"I'm sad, like I said goodbye to a really good friend."
"Can you remember what you're dreaming?"
"No, not at all."
"I see, can you move your buddy?"
"Just literal, but it hurt,"
"Well you have been sleeping for two years," Riku replied.
"Two years!" I yelled.
Kairi hit Riku on his head, "We supposed to bring the news slowly."
"Well I can see everything is stable and you're fine. You need about a month to go back to walking again, in the meantime, relax," the doctor said.
"Thank you doctor for everything," Digory said.
"Don't worry it's my job after all, and if you'll excuse me, I have things to do now," the doctor said, and then left.
"Digory, is it true? Have I been sleeping for two years?"
"Len, his name is Sora, Digory is the name of the character. He played two years ago," Kairi said softly.
"Really? I'm sorry, brother. I was still a bit dizzy."
"It's OK, don't be relaxed for now," Sora replied.
One year has passed and I'm feeling better than ever. I went back to school, and tried to catch up with everyone. When I came back thay had a huge welcoming party. Which was nice for them.
"Len, we're going to be late for school," Sora was sailing in front of the door.
"Yeah, I'm coming."
Overall my life is amazing, I hang out with a lot of my friends, study with some of them, and catch up on what I have been messing up. But sometimes when I look at the mirror, I see myself in a different outfit. And a faded shadow of people but I supposed to know. I told my brother, but he's denying it saying it's probably from my dreams from before I wake up. Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun and I wouldn't change it.

Thank you very much for reading this story. I know that the story is not complete. Wait for book 2! And it's going to be the last season. Here is a teaser image

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