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"Alright, I'm going in

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"Alright, I'm going in." I tell Stiles, as we stand outside Derek's house the following morning, after just watching him being arrested and put into the back of my dad's police car. I had come up with the ludicrous idea that I'd sneak into the front of the car and confront Derek to get information from him our dad wouldn't exactly be able to - werewolf information. That and confront him for turning my best friend, and probably want him to howl at the moon with him while they rip other people apart.

Stiles, who was very onboard with my plan, nodded. And so I speedily walk over to the car, looking over at Scott, who's leaning on Stiles' Jeep shaking his head at me as a sign not to do this. But it was too late, my mind was made up, and so I ignored him and pulled on the door handle to my dad's car, lightly closing it behind me as I sat in the passenger seat, turning around to look at the man we had just gotten arrested, who glared at me immediately.

I narrow my eyes at him. "I guess your plan to turn my best friend into a murderer didn't work out this time, did it? So why'd you do it?"

He just glares at me with no response.

"She could turn into a full wolf. I know Scott can't do that. Can you? Or can't you? Is that why you killed her?" I ask.

"Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem?" He questions, tilting his head at Scott's direction. "When he shifts on the field again, what do you think they're gonna do? Huh? Just keep cheering him on?"

I look at him, my eyes widening as I shift my lips. I know he's right, and I hate that. He's quite literally the only person we could go to for help on this and he just had to be a murderer.

"I can't stop him from playing, but you and your idiot brother can." He then leans forward towards me. "And, trust me..." He begins, his eyes darting up around my face. "You want to."

I stare into his green eyes, my brows lowering at him. He was right. Scott had freaked out the other day on the field and the only reason he was able to recover was because Stiles and I pulled him away, yet even then he tried to kill us. And that was just from Jackson annoying him. Imagine that on a game day, where the entire opposing team is out for him, including some of his team mates. I swallow harshly at the idea of it, looking down before my eyes meet his again.

I ready myself for a comment back, only the door opens and I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me out of the vechile. It doesn't take long for me to realise it's my dad as he pulls me away from the car, Stiles standing besides him, mouthing 'sorry' to me as we walk away from Derek Hale.

"There. Stand." My dad orders me, and my brother moves besides me as I fold my arms across my chest looking down at my boots. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I look back up at him. "I was just trying to get some answers."

My dad nods. "Ok, well how about the two of you explain to me how exactly you came across this?"

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