First Day (1)

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(This story will begin when all the characters have just started school. If you have read the comic you will know what I mean)


It was almost time for the bus to arrive when Y/N was getting ready. She was pretty much ready last night since she was so excited. Not to do school work, but to make friends. Until, the next morning. Those nerves came and she began to overthink. Yet it didn't stop her because her dad said she had to go now since he enrolled her and already has talked to the staff about it. So there was no use going back now.

"MIJA THE BUS IS HERE!" Her dad yelled from downstairs. Y/N added some last touches to her mascara and eyeliner she grabbed her bag and quickly ran downstairs. "You got everything Mija?" Her dad asked as he kissed her forehead and placed down a hot bottle of coffee/tea.

"Yes Papi" Y/N sighed back before taking the hot bottle. "Good, well have a good day Mija." He kissed her forehead, yet again before she nods and grabs her house keys. Y/N quickly walked out of the door and slipped her shoes on once she was outside the door. She saw the bus in front of her house and quickly walked inside.

She thanked the bus driver as she walked on. Y/N sat across from these two... Odd people. She hasn't seen them around before neither did they look to be around here. One was blonde and had red eyes, the other had lightish brown hair and light brownish eyes. It was kinda hard to see what eye colour he had since they were half lidded.

Y/N just shrugged her shoulders as she rested her head on the window as closed her eyes when she felt the bus began to move. Suddenly she felt someone tap her slightly on the shoulder. "Helloo what's your name? Are you new too!? Cause you don't look like you're from around here. Can you be my friend??" Before she knew it she was bombarded with questions. It was also from this blonde haired guy that sat on the other chairs across from her.

"I'm Y/N, yes I'm new and sure I'll be your friend... Uh?" Y/N tilted her head at the blonde male as he looked like he just won the Olympics. "I'm Aiden and this is my cousin Ben" The blonde haired boy said. Y/N looked over at Ben who had an apologetic look on his face as the bus stopped.

They had stopped in front of someone's house. She watched as Aiden gasped and jumped back on the chair that Ben was sitting, then just stared in awe while looking out the window. She then saw what he was staring at. It was like a graveyard full of buses behind someone's house. Yet the girl who lived in that house had just rushed onto the bus.

Y/N thought she was really pretty. The girl had long orange hair that was neatly plated in 2 braids, she had green eyes and ear buds placed in her ears. Those earbuds didn't look like the normal ones. Y/N kinda assumed that they were to help with noise, since she had a friend back in Mexico that had troubles with sound and wore the same ones.

Y/N watched as she sat awkwardly in front of Aiden and Ben. She saw that the girl was uncomfortable talking to Aiden, but she just brushed it off. 'Probably an introvert too.' Y/N thought going back to resting her head on the window.

Y/N slightly listened to their conversation since they were so loud. Or should I say Aiden was the main loud one. "I'm Aiden! That's my cousin Ben and my friend Y/N over there!" Y/N smiled a bit, but quickly hid it to look like she's sleeping. She could feel that people were looking at her and guessed it was the red headed girl.

After some time the four were finally dropped off to school. Aiden woke Y/N and Ben up as Y/N walked next to the red headed girl and listened to Aiden yappin about God knows what. She noticed the distressed look on the girl so Y/N gave her an apologetic look and whispered a sorry to which the girl answered back with a nod.

Then Ben pulled on Aiden's bag and pointed to the door that was labeled 'OFFICE'. They all stopped walking as
Y/N fully turned around while the other girl only turned her head. "Oh right" Aiden realized as he looked at the door.
"We gotta pick up our schedules-" Aiden was talking then saw that the girl was gone. Y/N looked back to where the girl ran and giggled slightly. "-Up?" Aiden finished his sentence.

Then the Aiden and Ben looked dumbfounded as they stared at the empty hallway. It was all quiet, until...
Y/N heard maniacal laughter behind her, she saw that it was Aiden laughing and she sweat dropped so did Ben.

"She's fast." Aiden chuckled lightly.


873 words (Next episode: Y/N pov)

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