Field trip (2)

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Y/n's pov (Translations at the end)

"What should we do first?" Logan perked up. He was the first to speak since we left the bus. "We'll we haven't eaten since we stopped for lunch a few hours ago." Taylor replied, thinking back to the place... The looks on the workers faces made me giggle a bit.

"We can get some food and talk about what to do while we eat?" Taylor said with a big small as she looked to the people around her. "Sure." "Sounds like a good idea." I listened to some of the group agree and the others just stay quiet.

" I listened to some of the group agree and the others just stay quiet

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I was standing near Tyler, but I was more so towards the front of him. Not too close and not too far away.


After some walking we saw a pretty big restaurant and they had some tables open. Considering our group size, they put us at table with a booth that could fit 8 people. Though they were 7 of us. I was sat next to Taylor as we shared a menu together.

She would point at the food pictures and looked back at me while she tried to decide what she wanted. I just settled for a simple Caesar salad. She looked at me again and I could swear I see her drooling.

I giggled and wiped it away. "Oh, thank you.." she said confused and sheepishly. I just giggled at her as while she looked towards the menu again. "It's all good"


The next place we went to, but it wasn't exactly a place? More like a ride. We went on a small carriage as this lady toured is around the place. I sat behind Ashlyn while I looked around to my left. I wasn't exactly listening to the tour guide, but it was really fun and relaxing.


Then we went to this other place. Taylor was reading the writings on the sculptures while the others were doing their own things. I noticed Ashlyn looking up at something and no surprise it was Aiden. I face palmed and just walked away. I went up to Logan who was looking for some things to take photos of.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and used my other hand to point at how the sun rested up tall above the lake. His mouth was agape as I heard a picture being taken. I giggled and patted his shoulder.


We then went to a few more places, but what really caught my eye was Taylor. She was doing a pretty weird move? It's hard to explain, but it was funny. I looked to where she was pointing and it was a face paint stand.

I stood next to the sleeping Ben as I felt the paint on my face dry

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I stood next to the sleeping Ben as I felt the paint on my face dry. It was a weird feeling, but... It was so pretty! I got a
(What you chose). The lady did it so well I could cry. I looked around, I saw Aiden stealing coins from the fountain. No surprise there?

I watched as Taylor took Logan's camera and took photos of Tyler's face painting. They got matching ones which I thought were cute. 'Twins' I thought.

I then noticed Ashlyn. Sitting by herself on the fountain. For the couple of days or weeks I have been at school... I've noticed Ashlyn is always sitting alone or distancing herself from everyone.

I sat down next to her. "Your face painting is really pretty. I'd say the music notes match your vibe" I spoke calmly as I gently elbowed her arm. I give her a smile as I admire the music notes on her face.

She looked at me and a light pink hue on her cheeks. She was probably embarrassed and since she was always alone. I don't think she gets a lot of compliments. She was so pretty though.

"Thank you..." I heard her mutter. I gave her a big smile and patted her head.

'This group or trip isn't as bad as I thought it would be...'


Helloo. I don't have school for the next two weeks! So I am going to upload as much as I can!! With all of this free time I can also make a plot for this story and make it as good as I possibly can!

Happy reading!

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