First Day (2)

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Y/Ns pov.  (Translations at the end)

Once Aiden, Ben and I had gotten our timetables we began chatting for a bit. When I mean by we, I mean Aiden chatted the whole time. Ben doesn't talk which was pretty odd, but I didn't want to prioritize it since I had only just met him.

"Cool we have the same classes" Aiden spoke, he was staring at mine and Ben's papers. "Huh, it seems like we do loco" I gently smiled at him as he turned to face me. "What does loco mean?" He looked dumbfounded, but was smiling. It was pretty funny.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm from México" I answered him, but I also tried to distract him from the fact I called him crazy in Spanish. Dios, I am trying so hard not to randomly burst out laughing. Breath Y/N, breath-.

"What! So you speak Spanish right? Wow you surely do look like it" He commented on me. Wait what. "What does that mean?" I questioned him, "I don't know" was this guy serious. We were walking and chatting until we got to our classroom, 201.

"WE WOULDN'T BE LATE IF YOU WOULD HAVE HELPED INSTEAD OF RECORDING" We heard a male voice yelling. "Sorry we're late!" The male voice spoke again, but there was no yelling. "Please don't mark us tardy!" There was another voice, it was more feminine and soft.

"They aren't there yet" the boy sighed. "We still have a chance!" The girl yelped.
We could see them more clearly now since...
"A chance?" We were standing directly behind them.

"Are two of my students already late on the first day of school?" The teacher we were standing with continued talking as he had a serious face on. "Just kidding!" Then it was full of flowers and butterflies wow. "A class rule is if we're both late and you get here before me you're safe-" he stopped suddenly, then looked down the males shoe? Wait.

"Where's your shoe?-" the teacher asked my question as we all looked down to see one of the guys shoe missing. 'What happened' I thought. "You should find that after class." "Yes sir".


"Let's start with introductions shall we?
We'll go in alphabetical order" The teacher finished speaking as he clapped his hands and let us begin our introductions.

"When it's your turn state your first and last name, and say something about yourself. As an example I'll start us off."

"My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all!" He spoke with excitement and joy in his voice... Yet it sounded fake almost, but I won't think to much about it. First day and all he must've been tired... Yeah tired..

"Ashlyn banner, I like dogs."

"I'm Aiden Clark, I like bungee jumping, Rock climbing, racing, water skiing-"

'BEN CLARK' Ben was asleep already-

"Hello, I-the-uh... Logan Fields. I mean I'm Logan... I um, I enjoy Astrology"

"I'm Taylor Hernandez! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance."

"I'm Tyler Hernandez, Yes, we're twins. I'm in the baseball club."

"Hola! I'm Y/N L/N I'm from México and I like (what you like)!"


"Alright now that introductions are done,"
Mr Walter spoke up once more.

"Let's talk about the semester-long group project! Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the project and each group should consist of six to seven people each."

I found myself sitting in a group with six other people. Aiden, Ben, Ashlyn, Logan, Tyler and Taylor. Our desks were placed in a circle and each of us had a piece of paper placed in front of us.

I was sitting in between Ashlyn and Taylor. I looked over to my right to see Ashlyn covering herself in her cropped jumper. She looked pretty distraught, I wonder what she was thinking about.

"This is also what your project will be about and the topic you'll choose to present on are stated in your rubric."
I heard Mr Walter speak up so I turned around in my chair to face him.

"Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project!"
I started to feel excited! Maybe this will help me able to make friends or explore more.

"Of course it's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade." " If you are interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know."

"For the rest of the period, please choose what topic your group would like to present on. You've got twenty-five minutes so spend it wisely." "Don't forget to have the slips signed and bring them back on Monday!"

After Mr Walter finish talking I notice most of the class had gotten up to get a slip so I decided to as well. But before I could get up, everyone was exchanging phone numbers and they got me to do so as well. I was in a group chat with my group and smiled. My first ever group chat...

I then got up to grab a slip and see Aiden in front of me. "You aren't gonna go to the field trip?" He asked. I peeked over his shoulder and see Ashlyn. " I'd rather stay home." She answered before leaving the classroom.

I see Aiden taking 2 slips and I'm going to assume he was going to drag Ashlyn to the field trip. I then grab my slips and head home for the day.

(Disclaimer: Y/N does not talk much due to her language barrier and thinks she sounds weird when she speaks English and gets embarrassed or thinks she will get misjudged for it. As you can tell she is a little bit of an over-thinker at times. But that will get better soon)
1001 words.

Loco- meaning crazy.
Dios- meaning god.

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