Field trip (1)

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Nobody's pov (Translations at the end)

"Okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes 8 hours to get to Savannah" Mr Walter said aloud at the front of the bus as he looked at his watch.

"In about 4 hours, around noon, we'll stop to get something to eat." He said once more with a smile on his face...
"Once we get to Savannah. You and your groups will have 2 hours to eat, go on tours, look at historic monuments, explore the area, goof off, etc. After we'll meet back at the bus and head to the motels." He continued to explain the instructions on to what we were going to do.

"Everyone who has a phone has added Me. Lee's, Mrs Sarah's, and my number correct?" He gestured to the other teacher as they were sitting towards the front. Once he finished speaking a few kids were saying yeses or there was a few nods.

"Alright then let's get this show on the road!"

"Alright then let's get this show on the road!"

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The group was sitting more so towards the back. The twins sat together as they played on their phones. Aiden and Ashlyn sat next to each other. Then there was Ben and Logan who sat next to each other... Then there was Y/n, she sat behind them as there was no more seats. No other person would sit next to her either so she just sat alone doing Y/H (your hobby).

She didn't mind being alone because it meant she could continue working on what she was doing as she listened to music in her earphones/headphones.

Aiden was chatting to Ashlyn about rubix cubes and showed her the mountain of glory. A whole bag full of puzzles and toys. Why did he have so much? Who knows it's Aiden.

Y/n glanced over at the group through the crevices of the chairs and noticed Aiden solving a cube in 4 seconds. She was dumbfounded and so was Ashlyn. Y/n giggled lightly as she went back to doing what she was originally doing.

"Ah! Can I try one?" Taylor spoke up from above her chair looking down at Aiden.
"Sure." Hey replied, that smile staying on his face. He opened his bag a bit more so she could look through it.

"Y/n." Hearing her name, Y/n looked up and saw Aiden looking at her.
"Do you want one?" He asked with a small grin on his face.

She smiled as she replied...
"Sure, why not?" Y/n got up from her seat and walked over to where Aiden was and looked in his bag. She grabbed out a (you choose) and fiddled with it. Thinking it was perfect for the trip she looked over to Aiden.

"Gracias, Aiden" she smiled at him before walking back to her seat. He just smiled at her and went back to playing with his cubes. She fiddled with the toy for a while, but then she began to feel a bit sleepy. A small nap wouldn't hurt right?


"We're finally here!" Someone yelled out startling Y/n awake as she wiped her eyes. She saw Ben and Logan looking at her. "We were just about to wake you up hehe..." Logan spoke up first as he shyly replied. Y/n smiled softly as she patted his head before packing up.

"I'll meet you guys out there in a second"
Y/n said to them just before there were crunching and popping noises. She looked past Logan to see Ashlyn stretching? Really noisy stretching. Y/n sweat dropped.

"Alright, everyone don't go too far out, make sure to be back here at five. If anything happens call us back immediately!" Mr. Walter spoke up. Y/n looked out the window when she finished packing up her stuff. It was a little creepy out there... It sort of gave chills..


We have arrived!!
670 words

Gracias - means thank you/thanks

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