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The team was sitting around the cortex discussing what they should do after the news of Nora working with Thawne. Even though Barry felt betrayed, he knew meta humans wouldn't take a break just because his feelings were hurt so he went to train in the speed lab. He was probably feeling a hundred times worse than when he went to jail and to top it all off, Iris, his wife, didn't feel all that bothered by the fact that their daughter was working with the man who took his mom from him.

"You know you should be resting right?" Caitlin's voice rang through the room, bringing him to a halt.

He made his way to the desk and sat down, while wiping his tears away. Caitlin sat beside him and started to work on the computer.

She did not ask nor did she say anything related to the whole Nora situation. It was bad enough he was betrayed by his daughter, he didn't need anyone rubbing it in his face.

"Aren't you going to ask?"
"Ask what?" She answered looking at the screen.
"About what happened."
"Do you want me to ask?"

He half smiled and shook his head. "Not really but I feel like I need to get something off my chest."

"Okay. Talk to me." She said turning in her chair and facing his way.

He already had tears welling up in his eyes and his hands were shaking slightly. She moved closer to him and held his hands to try and calm him down.

"Barry, what happened with Iris?"
"She said she wasn't bothered at all by the fact that Nora was working with Thawne." He said feeling a pain in his heart yet again. "After knowing what he did." He said taking a breath. "He took my mom away from me Caitlin. The person I loved the most beside my dad. My comfort place." He said with a crack in his voice.
"I know Barr." She said squeezing his hand. "Just know that whatever you decide, Cisco and I will back you up a hundred percent. We're a team."
"Thank you." He nodded while flashing her a small smile.

She smiled back and went back to working on the computer. Barry stayed with her until he was called by Joe, who asked him to go to the police station.

"I have to go. Joe asked me to go check something in my lab."
"Alright." She nodded.

He was about to walk out when she spoke.

"Hey Barry."
"Yeah?" He said turning around at the doorway.
"Just letting you know, your feelings, your hurt, are completely valid and I want you to understand that this, isn't your fault and you don't owe anyone an apology for the way you reacted. And whatever you do, you have every right to. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Thank you for understanding Cait." He said winking at her.
"It's no problem."

He walked out feeling better than what he did and headed to his lab.

While Barry was at CCPD, Cisco and Caitlin were alone at STAR Labs just hanging around until two young kids entered the place. They were roughly sixteen, the boy was tall and skinny, had one green eye and a blue one and the girl was an inch shorter maybe and had a blue eye and a brown one. They both had freckles on the bridge of their noses, white hair and palish skin. They looked alike so by default Cisco and Caitlin knew they were siblings. Cisco was about to press the alarm when the boy spoke up.

"Don't call anyone. We're not here to hurt you."
"We just need your help." The girl followed.
"With what exactly?" Caitlin asked.
"Going home."
"Listen, we-" Cisco said pointing between him and Caitlin. "Do not want to help anyone else. We've had enough of being taken advantage of."
"But we won't take advantage of-."
"Get out before I call the Flash."
"Come on Phoenix, it's no use." The girl said looking at the boy.

He nodded and followed her out. Caitlin and Cisco were confused but at the same time on edge because of the strange visit.

"Do they know who we are?" Caitlin asked.
"More importantly, do they know who he is?" He asked pointing at Barry's suit.
"Oh I hope not." Caitlin sighed.
"Can't we catch a break?" Cisco asked loudly.
"Apparently not." Barry said walking in with a report in his hand.
"What's this?" Caitlin asked taking the bagBarry handed her.
"I need you to run some samples on whatever this substance is. They found it at the scene and my machine will take forever."
"Alright. I'm on it." She said taking it to her lab.

When she was out of the cortex, Cisco turned around to look at Barry who was staring at his suit.

"Did you by any chance see something weird when you walked in?"

Barry pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows while shaking his head slowly. "No. Why?"
"No reason. Just asking cause you know, weird things have been happening lately." Cisco said shrugging.
"Okay." Barry said confused.
"Alright, it says it's snake venom."
"Well then, I guess Frosty's friend Norvok's at it again."
"He's not my friend." Frost hissed, making an appearance.
"He's not my friend." Cisco mocked.

Barry chuckled and smiled brightly. "Okay well, thank you for your help." He said squeezing Caitlin's arm softly. "If anything weird happens again call me." He said pointing at Cisco.
"Will do." Cisco said giving him a thumbs up.

When the speedster was out of sight, Caitlin smacked Cisco on the arm. "You told him?"
"First, OW! And second, no Caitlin, I am not dumb. I obviously did not tell our friend what happened. I just asked if he saw anything weird when he came in."
"He said no. So obviously he did not hear us talking or see them walk out."
"Well then I hope so because he doesn't need this right now."
"He tell you what happened?"
"Yeah. Iris said it didn't bother her that Nora was working with you know who."
"Excuse me?" Cisco said angrily.
"I know." She said nodding sadly. "He seemed pretty hurt so I think it'll take a while for them to make amends."
"Well then you know what this calls for?"
"A movie night?"
"Yes. Tonight at my house." He grinned. "I will call Barry now."

He called Barry and asked him to come over to which he agreed to. After leaving STAR Labs and Barry his lab, the three of them got ready for the night and met at Cisco's house. He had ordered pizza and Caitlin had brought a few ice cream bars so they ate while watching a few movies. After the third movie, Cisco had fallen asleep on the couch and so had Caitlin. Barry put some blankets over them and grabbed one for himself before laying on the couch he was in and falling asleep.


"We back baby."

Welcome to my new story! Hope you enjoy it as much as the first one. I would love your feedback as I go.

Thanks for reading!

-L ⚡️

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