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The next morning, the team arrived at STAR Labs early. While Cisco was toying around in the speed lab, Caitlin and Barry stayed in the cortex waiting to see if there were any meta's roaming around the city.

"I forgot to ask, were you able to check on the kids?"
"Yeah, I did find something actually."
"What'd you find?"
"They... are dying."
"What?" He asked concerned.
"They have super speed but there's something wrong with the way it's working. I mean their systems should be going at immense speed just like yours and Nora's but it's slowed down."
"Do you have any idea why?"
"No. And until I can figure it out, we should keep an eye on them. They can experience fatigue, feel tired and maybe even pass out if they don't get enough rest so..."
"So what can we do?" Phoenix asked sitting in Cisco's chair.
"You can be quiet and not interrupt while someone is talking." Winter said looking at him sternly.
"Sorry, mom." He said rolling his eyes.
"Forgive him, he tends to get like this when he doesn't get what he wants."

Barry chuckled slightly and smiled at the boy.

"This is serious. You cannot, under any circumstances, use your speed it will make your body degenerate faster."
"So we can't fight bad guys?" Phoenix asked.
"I am afraid not." Barry said shaking his head. "And I need you guys to promise me that you will let us know if you feel sick or if you feel there's anything wrong with you." He said looking at Winter straight in the eyes.
"Alright." She said softly.

Barry nodded and as if on cue, the alarm started to go off. He suited up and headed in the direction of the scene.

"Guys, I'm gonna need some backup." Barry said over the income.
"On it." Caitlin said while Frost started to appear.

Both the twins were staring at her while the frosty alter ego appeared.

"I don't know who you are or why you're here but I guess we'll have to say our greetings later." She said walking out.

Not much later, Caitlin, Ralph, Barry, Nora and even Iris walked in hurriedly, except Nora wasn't walking. Barry was holding her in his arms and laid her down on the med bay. After a while both Barry and Iris came out quietly and he sat down on Caitlin's desk chair while Iris walked out. The twins watched the whole scene unfold but kept quiet. It wasn't until Iris left that the silence was interrupted.

"What happened?" Phoenix asked.
"Cicada broke Nora's back. Apparently there's a few shards from his dagger that are dampening her system so she doesn't have speed healing. It'll take a while for her to get better." Caitlin said pursing her lips.

Both the twins looked over to where Barry was sitting. Winter was about to walk up to him when Phoenix grabbed her arm softly to stop her. "Later." He said quietly.

She frowned slightly and walked out of the cortex. Phoenix followed her to the small cafe area  they had in the building and they sat down on the couch. They were both feeling under the weather but decided it would be best to keep quiet.

"You still feel sick." Phoenix asked Winter.
"I feel worse than I did this morning. You?"
"Yeah. Me too. Maybe we can sleep it off. Want to take a nap?"
"Sure." She nodded.

He closed the windows and turned off the lights in the rom before laying on the couch across his sister and falling asleep.

After a few hours, Barry walked in to make some coffee and turned on the lights without knowing the kids were inside, sleeping. It wasn't until he heard someone mumbling that he noticed them. He walked up to Winter and slowly bent down to try and make out what she was saying.

"Dad, please. Don't go." She said softly. "Please, come back." She seemed very distressed and a few tears rolled down her cheeks while she mumbled.

Barry crouched down and placed a hand on her forehead, realizing she had a fever.

"Winter." He said shaking her softly. "Winter, hey. Wake up."

She started sobbing in her sleep which worried Barry and woke up Phoenix, who also had a fever.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at Barry.
"She's having a nightmare. She has a fever as well."
"Was she calling dad again?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah. Does she get them often?"
"Ever since dad left, yes."
"Where did he go?" Barry asked looking at Phoenix with a worried look.
"We don't know." He shrugged. "We weren't born when he left. We never met him."

Barry noticed Phoenix looked as pale as Winter so he stood up to check his temperature.

"You're burning up too." He sighed. "Let me get some medicine."

He sped out and then back in with a few pills and water. While Phoenix went to the bathroom, Barry woke Winter up. Her eyes shot open and she started to look around frantically before her eyes landed on Barry. Her eyes focused on his and she teared up.

"What's wrong huh?" He asked softly, while drying a tear that rolled down her cheek.
"I..." She sobbed softly.
"Do you mind if I give you a hug?"

He sat beside her and pulled her head close to his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat which seemed to give her a sense of comfort. He held her tightly and brushed her hair.

"You're okay."

After a few minutes, Barry handed Winter the medicine while Phoenix brought her water. After she took it, they both went back to sleep.

Barry called Caitlin to let her know about the kids' condition and went back upstairs to check on Nora. Caitlin arrived not much later to check on the kids. After looking at their state, she decided it would be best if they stayed the night at her house and they didn't complain. Barry helped the kids walk to her car and then helped with their bags.

"Thanks for coming." He said while putting the bags in the back.
"No problem. I wasn't ready to go to bed yet. I'll keep an eye on them through out the night and call you if there's something wrong."
"Okay. You let me know."
"I will. Good night Barr."
"Good night Cait." He said smiling.

She took off and when she got home, she showed the kids their respective rooms and when they got ready for bed, she hooked them up to an IV and after she was done with the process, she got ready for bed herself and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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