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Two weeks later...

"Come on Winter." Phoenix said pulling his sister by the arm.
"Phoenix, they don't want to help. You already heard Cisco."
"They're just scared Winter."
"Exactly. They wouldn't want to help us if they're scared we'll do something bad to them."
"Then let's show them we won't."
"By telling them the truth."
"We can't tell them the truth you idiot. Look where that got your precious-." She whisper-shouted before Barry interrupted them.

He slowly made his way up to them and looked at them with a soft expression. "Can I help you guys?" He asked.

"Hi, yeah." The boy said pulling his sister's arm gently. "My name is Phoenix, this is my sister, Winter."

She waved and smiled softly at Barry. He returned the smile and focused his attention on Phoenix again.

"So what do you need help with?"
"Going back home."
"Back home?" He asked confused. "Are you from another Earth?"
"More like another timeline." Winter said in almost a whisper.
"I'm sorry, are you guys from the future?"
"Yup." Phoenix nodded and sighed.
"Wait but how are you here?"
"We were trying to stop someone from coming."
"And that someone didn't listen and disrupted the whole timeline." Winter said rolling her eyes with a slight annoyance.
"And I'm guessing that someone is my daughter, Nora?"
"Yup." She said making a popping sound.
"How do you know Nora though?" Barry asked.
"Not important and we can't tell. She already destroyed so many things in the future and frankly that's on her. I don't want anything weighing on my conscience." Phoenix said sighing.
"I get it." Barry nodded. "Well are you guys meta's?"
"Yes." They answered at the same time.
"What are your powers?"
"Super speed." They both answered.
"You're both speedsters?" He asked surprised.
"Why didn't you run fast enough to go home?"
"Apparently we lost our speed after we arrived here. Until we can figure out was wrong, we can't leave." Winter explained.
"Alright. I'll ask Caitlin to run some tests on you guys."
"Thanks. We really appreciate it."

Barry smiled and walked with them to the cortex. Cisco and Caitlin were watching funny videos and when they heard Barry, they turned around, only to see the kids with the speedster.

"You again?" Cisco asked.
"What do you mean again?" Barry asked.
"They came a few weeks ago."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because, you already had enough with the news of Nora working with you know who."
"I'm sorry to interrupt but who was Nora working with?" Phoenix asked.
"There's this dude called Thawne. He's the villain in this story." Cisco answered.
"She what?" Phoenix asked angrily.
"Y'all better not let me see her or I will personally kick her ass so hard she won't need to run to get home." Winter said equally as angry.
"You guys know who Thawne is?" Caitlin asked.
"Of course. It's in the Flash Museum." Phoenix nodded.
"Wait, are you guys from..."
"The future?" Winter asked. "Yeah."
"They came to stop Nora from time traveling." Barry said softly.
"Well you didn't do a very good job." Cisco said smirking.
"Very funny Cisco." Winter said rolling her eyes.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked looking at her then at both Barry and Caitlin.
"Me? I would never." Winter said smirking.

Right then, Iris walked in. It had been a few days since she fought with Barry so her coming to STAR Labs made the air feel heavy.

"Hey guys." She said in a soft manner.

Both Caitlin and Cisco were angry at her but tried to play it cool by half smiling and waving at Iris. The kids were confused but didn't make any comments or asked any questions.

"Who are you." She asked.
"That's not important. Why are you here?" Barry asked sternly.
"I wanted to speak with you."

He nodded but before he left he turned to Caitlin to ask her for a favor.

"Hey, I need you to run some tests on them. They said their powers have been gone ever since they arrived."
"Sure." She nodded.
"Thanks." He said smiling softly.

He walked out with Iris and only Cisco, Caitlin and the twins were left.

"So..." Cisco said looking at Phoenix.
"I can't talk about the future, neither can she."
"What were your names again?"
"I'm Phoenix, she is my twin sister, Winter."
"That's a pretty name." Caitlin smiled at the girl.
"Thanks." Winter smiled.
"Sure. How old are you guys?" She asked.
"We're sixteen." Winter answered.
"You guys are babies." Cisco said in a high pitched voice, while trying to act cute.

Phoenix rolled his eyes and Winter smiled. "He hates when he's referred to as a baby."

"Because I am not a baby." He said rolling his eyes.
"Whatever dude." Winter said rolling her eyes. "You're annoying."
"And you are stupid."
"And you are an asshole."
"And you are a-."
"Guys." Caitlin said cutting the boy off mid sentence.
"Sorry." They said in unison.
"Barry asked me to check your vitals and run some tests so can you come with me?"

They both nodded and followed Caitlin. Cisco was curious and bored so he followed the three of them to the med bay. Both the twins seemed to be in good health until Caitlin discovered an anomaly in their system.

"Do you guys have super speed?"
"Yeah, why?" Winter asked.
"Do you have any other powers besides that one?"
"No." They both shook their heads.
"What's wrong?" Phoenix asked worriedly.
"You guys are... dying."
"I'm sorry?" He asked wide eyed.
"Caitlin what do you mean?" Cisco asked.
"They're speed is being dampened by something but I checked everything in the scans and bloodwork and nothing. It just shows that their cells are slowly dying."
"Great." Winter said throwing her arms in the air. "We can't go home and now we'll probably even die here without mom or dad."
"Don't worry, I'll try to do everything I can to help you guys."
"Thanks." Phoenix said in a hushed tone.
"Come on." Cisco said grabbing Phoenix by the shoulder. "Let's go get some pizza. You can eat until you feel better again."
"Winter you coming?"
"Nah. I'm kind of tired. I'll stay here to help Caitlin clean up."
"Alright. We'll bring you guys a slice." Cisco said practically dragging Phoenix out of the cortex.

While the two went out to eat, Caitlin and Winter stayed in the building, cleaning around and when they finished they turned off the lights and started to watch a movie. Halfway through, both of them fell asleep. Barry had come back from Joe's house when he found them both asleep in their respective chairs. He smiled and chuckled before grabbing out his phone from his pocket and taking a picture.

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