First day

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Onika POV
Texas A&M University

Today is my first day of college! Well my first day at this college. See for my first year I went to a college in New York but my friend convinced me to come down to Houston. That's where everyone at apparently, plus the nursing program is way better.

Kelly said I should get out of my comfort zone and live a little so I guess I'll try to push the books aside for a moment but I'm still keeping my grades up I don't care!

When I got to my dorm it was nice as h*ll! It was like a mini apartment. I put my stuff down to look around more and i ended up running into a light skin girl no taller than me.

"Oh girl you scared the sh*t outta me"

"Sorry" we both laughed.

"you my new roommate right?"


"Cool. I'm Lauren but you can call me lo" she smiled and her dimples deepened.

"Onika" I smiled back.

"Are you new here I never seen you before"

"Yea I'm coming from New York"

"Oh sh*t I'm from jersey!"

"Oh you like down the street from us girl"

We laughed again.

"Put your shoes back on ima show you around"

"Ight cool"

She showed me the rooms, different frats, classes, food trucks, and now the dining hall.

"Ok theres where I usually sit with a few other girls, those boys other there all hoes don't talk to them, that girl over there is sleeping with her best friend's man, Drake the light skin one he is so closeted, Nipsey over there that's my man, Chris the one with the hat is a women beater stay away from him,


"Yea, Halle over there is the messiest girl to ever exist dont tell her anything! Ari the short girl she is so sweet but she's secretly a whore, that girl over there she's pretty but she's dumber than a bag of rock, quavo and his friends are a bunch of drug dealers, Jhene over there is cool, Robyn the brown skin one is cool but if you piss her off she's a complete b*tch, Kehlani is the coolest and only loyal stud, Coco is cool her sister is mean tho, Kendrick throws the best parties, and that girl over the-"

I cut her off with a gasp.

"KELLY" I ran and jumped on her.

"ONIKA OMG HII" we hugged.

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too, where's your room"

"Um I don't really know all I know is it's in that pink house and on the 4 floor"

"Oh ok how you been"

"Good. Oh this is Lauren my roommate"


"Hii" they smiled at each other.

"Y'all should come chill with us"

"Lo you wanna go?"

"H*ll yea is there going to be drugs there"

"H*ll yea"

"Sh*t what we waiting for then" a boy sitting at the table with Kelly said.

"Alright we just waiting for Gi and Meg"

"Alright cool"

Soon two tall girls walked over. One was really pretty but the other one was gorgeous. Once my eyes caught her I could bare to peel them away. I felt my mouth drop and the room get hot. It was like she was a fairy or something the way she glowed. I nearly felt my feet lift off the ground until Kelly snapped me out of my trance.


"Sorry. Um who is she" i whispered to Kelly.

"Oh that's Giselle she's cool"

"Hm?" I guess she heard her name.

"Gi this is Onika my friend from New York"

"Oh hii you're so pretty"

OMG she think I'm pretty??! Girl literally look at yourself.

"Girl what? That's all you"

"Thank you, is this your first year here?"

"Yea I went to a college in New York"

"Oh how was it"

"It was cool but Kelly insisted I come down here to get out my comfort zone and have fun"

"Yea she'll definitely push you. What are you majoring in"

"Nursing. You?"


"Wow really"

"Yep. Guess we're both going to be saving lives"

"Guess so" I paused for a minute smiling at her. She's so beautiful it's actually insane.

"We should all hang out together"

"Yea we should"

"Do you have your phone on you right now"

I checked my pockets "oh actually no" I laughed. We rushed out of our room I done forgot my phone.

"Well here" she grabbed my hand and wrote her number with a heart!!

'240-5941-3987 giselle🖤'

Once she was done she smiled at me and told me to text her.

Later on me, kelly, lo, and two other boys named treyvon and monte went to somebody's kick back and smoked for bit, played games, and just chilled. It was mad cool, all I could think about was Giselle tho.

Should I text her today?

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