Love story

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"Hey," Elliot says to Olivia as she pours herself another coffee

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"Hey," Elliot says to Olivia as she pours herself another coffee. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she smiles, sitting back down at her desk. "This case is just bugging me, I'm really tired, El."

"I know," he says, smiling apologetically at her. He wants nothing more than to take her home and make love to her before snuggling up to her in bed. But he can't, Cragen has them working overtime until this case is closed. He has a feeling they might be here a while.

"Go take a nap in the cribs, I'll be alright on my own for a bit," he suggests, and she shakes her head.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to, I've had too many coffees," she smirks, watching as he reads through the file with a deep look of concentration on his face. They have been sleeping together for two months now, without anyone's knowledge. Olivia hasn't told a single soul, though she thinks they can probably tell. They try to be discreet, but Elliot drives her to and from work every day and usually spends the night at hers too.

It's going to be hard to hide soon, Olivia is falling madly in love with the man. "Hey El," she says, and he holds his hand up.

"Sorry Liv, I think I have something," he says, getting up and rushing to Cragen's office. She watches with a curious look on her face as Elliot speaks to their captain.

"Liv," Brian Cassidy says, sitting on her desk. "Hey, when are you going to let me take you out?" he asks, and she rolls her eyes.

"I've already told you, Cassidy, I'm not interested," she says, sipping her coffee.

"But Liv, you haven't even given us a chance," he says, leaning in to whisper in her ear. Elliot walks out of Cragen's office, and his blood boils at the sight of him with his mouth so close to his girlfriends ear.

"Benson," he says, getting her attention. "Grab your coat. We're going to pick up a suspect."

"We have a suspect?" she asks, pushing her chair back and standing. "Sorry, Brian, duty calls," she smirks as she pulls on her coat. "Stabler, wait up," she says, running after him and catching him at the elevator. It opens, and they both step inside, the doors closing behind them.

"What the hell was that?" he asks, turning to face her. "Why was he so close to you?" he asks angrily.

"He was asking me on a date," she laughs. "Don't worry, baby, I said no."

"I hope so," Elliot says, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. He kisses her deeply, making her moan into his mouth. They kiss until the elevator stops, and he pulls away from her. "You better tell him to back off, or I will, with my fists," he says, and Liv smirks, catching her breath as they head to the door and out to the street.

"Are you jealous?" she asks, climbing into the passenger side of the car.

"Damn right, I'm jealous, you're my girl," he says seriously as he starts the engine.

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