It's a love story, baby just say yes

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"Benson," Captain Cragen says as he walks into the buzzing bullpen with his arm behind a tall young man

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"Benson," Captain Cragen says as he walks into the buzzing bullpen with his arm behind a tall young man. She looks up, her eyes locking with his. They are a deep chocolate brown, darker than hers, and he smiles at her, his smile lopsided and nervous? "This is Nick Amaro, your new partner," Cragen says, and Nick extends his hand.

"Nick, hi," Olivia says as she stands, and the new detective's eyes widen as he looks at the small but prominent bump between them. "Olivia," she introduces herself, shaking his hand and he nervously looks up from her stomach, their eyes locking again.

"Hi, nice to meet you. No one told me you were pregnant," he says.

"Woah, she's not pregnant, dude," Brian Cassidy says, a serious look on his face, and Nick's smile falters.

"I am so sorry," he stutters, and Olivia giggles, looking at Brian.

"He's kidding, I am totally pregnant," Liv giggles, sitting down again. "You all bummed out now cos your partner is going to be stuck on desk duty?"

"Well, I mean, yeah," Nick says seriously. "Are they gonna have to hire a new partner for your new partner?" He jokes, and she shakes her head, smiling.

"You're funny, Nick. You have big boots to fill. Did Cragen tell you that?" She asks seriously.

"Yeah, so what happened to the last guy?" He asks, leaning forward inquisitively in his chair.

"He got me pregnant," she says, leaning forward to meet his gaze. "So don't do that, and you should last a lot longer here than he did."

Nick laughs. "You're funny, too, Benson. So, you gonna show me around?"

"Sure," Liv says, standing up and grabbing her jacket. "And then you can buy me lunch. It's only fair, I am your new partner," she smiles.


"Hey cuteness," Elliot says as Olivia walks in the front door. She looks exhausted. "How was your day?"

"It was fine," she says, "I got my new partner today," she smiles. "His name is Nick Amaro. He's come from narcotics," she tells Elliot as she kicks off her shoes and sits down on the couch with him. "He bought me lunch," she tells Elliot with a smirk.

"He did?" Elliot asks, shifting in his seat. "He knows you're pregnant, right?"

"Pregnant women aren't allowed lunch?" Olivia frowns, loving his jealous streak. "He knows. It is quite obvious in case you hadn't noticed," she says, her hands on her bulging belly. "Your giant baby is on full display, so everyone knows I belong to you," she smirks at him.

"Anyway, I told him that my old partner had to leave cos he got me pregnant, so if he wants to keep his job, he better not get me pregnant," she giggles and Elliot frowns.

"I hope he wants to keep his job then and his teeth," he says seriously, pulling Olivia closer to him.

"Oh, my big jealous hunk," Liv giggles, laying her head against Elliot's chest. "How was your day? What did you get up to?" She asks curiously. He has been out of work for three months now and is showing no signs of having a job. He has immersed himself in fatherhood - decorating the nursery and buying baby things with his mother - who is very excited. He does, however, need to find another job before they have no income and a baby that depends on them.

"Mom and I went to this giant baby store, and she bought us a stroller, a crib, some clothes, and a car seat," he tells her. "She also gave me the moses basket that I slept in as a baby," he grins proudly.

"That's great," Liv smiles, "have you found another job yet?"

His smile falters, and he sighs. "I haven't looked, Liv. I just want some time to myself to figure out where I'm gonna go," he says, and she nods.

"I understand that, but we are going to have a baby soon," she reminds him. "You're so excited for this baby, but what happens when we run out of money and we can't provide for this baby because I am at home being a mother and you're doing, what? Finding yourself?"

He is taken aback by her words. He knows she is right, but he was hoping he had a bit longer to decide what he wanted to do. "I suppose you're right," he mumbles.

"I am always right," Olivia reminds him. "I love how excited you are. I love that you want to fully embrace fatherhood," she grins. "But we are going to have a whole little person depending on us. We need to be able to make sure they are taken care of."

"I know," he says, "I will go down to my old precinct tomorrow and see if I can get my old job back," he sighs. "I liked it there."

Olivia smiles. "Okay, that is a start," she yawns. "Now, what did you make me for dinner while I was at work bringing home the bacon?" She smirks.

"I was gonna order Chinese," he says, reaching for the menu. "Same as usual?"

"Sure," she says, her hands resting on her belly as they sit on the couch. Elliot noticed that she started touching her stomach as soon as she found out there was a baby in there. Olivia, the woman who didn't want kids yet, was so in love with their baby, she always has her hand protectively resting above them. Elliot couldn't wait to meet the little one, to hold them in his arms.

"I wonder if baby Stabler will look like you," Elliot says out loud. "I hope so, brown hair and big brown eyes."

"I want them to have your blue eyes," Olivia says seriously. "A mini you, oh what a gorgeous child that would be."

Elliot grins proudly. "That would be one handsome baby," he smirks and Liv hits him playfully.

"So, Olivia Benson," he says, looking at her. "You know I am Catholic," he reminds her, and she nods.

"Yes, I am aware," She nods, looking at him as he reaches into his pocket.

"Which is why I would like to do the right thing," he says, clearing his throat. "Olivia Margaret Benson," he says as he gets off the couch and kneels in front of her. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asks, and her eyes go wide, watching him wobble around on one knee with a ring in his hand. 

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