can you lead me to the ark, what's the password?


"One minus four, minus two? No, that's not right..." I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. I had been sitting behind my desk for a hot minute, trying to figure out my math homework for tomorrow. The teacher had already decided to give us homework, which was insane. I had finished the part that was mandatory with ease, but was now struggling with the extra optional work, which currently felt more advanced than quantum physics.

I could still smell the tomato sauce in my hair from earlier. The smell was strong enough to make me gag every so often. I was also still wearing Elias's shirt because I was honestly just too lazy to take it off.

I desperately need a shower.

Then I spun around in my chair, deciding to take a break from the illogical world of math.

I glanced outside my window and absentmindedly observed the window to Elias' room. Flashes from earlier today popped up in my head and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his idiocy. He's always provoking me, trying to get some reaction out of me. It works most of the time, but that's my fault I suppose. He knew exactly what to say and do to rile me up and temporarily make me forget about the rest of the world.

As I thought that, I scoffed at how strangely poetic, romantic even, that sounded. Just to be clear, there was nothing positive about forgetting about the world. It is, in fact, quite unhealthy for a person to think that they are the only existing human on the planet. There are a few words for this: egocentric, selfish, unobservant, idiotic etc.

I think you get my point.

Looking back, it made me cringe to think of all the people that might've seen me, observed me, scrutinized me while I was too busy yeeting perfectly good (although a bit musty tasting) food at Greyson's head. I wondered whether Jack noticed, what he must be thinking. What his friends must be thinking. What the school must be thinking.

Shy, quiet girl turned into mad food-throwing witch, I imagined as the headline for the next school newspaper. It made me want to crawl into a little ball. Or hide underneath my bed for the rest of the year. Or travel back in time two hundred years so I could be executed by guillotine.

Why couldn't I just be normal?

If we'd gotten caught I'm sure we would've received severe repercussions.

Stupid, stupid Ruth!

The only reason no one snitched on us directly (yet)  is because of Elias' reputation at school, as well as just his popularity, I'm sure. Everyone treats him like he's some big bad wolf no one should mess with. I don't get it, to be honest. I feel like he's never really done anything to elicit such treatment.

Suddenly, I heard a car pull up outside my house. I immediately stood up and pulled my curtains aside only to see Quentin waving at me from a mini van.

I gave him a confused wave back.

Then I saw the back doors open which Jordan and Louise proceeded to step out of.

What the hell?

Upon closer inspection, I also noticed Liam sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle.

My phones ringtone sounded through my room and I quickly snatched my phone and picked up.


"Hey, bitch!" Louise's loud voice assaulted my ear. "We're outside your house!"

"Yeah, I can see that! The question is why?"

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