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Y/n's pov:

My life turned upside down in just a few minutes. Why? Why did it have to happen to me? The pillow is already wet by my tears. I don't want to go. I don't want to go with him. I don't want to live.


I was near my house when I heard gunshots inside. I ran to see people dressed in black suits standing outside. They had guns. I was startled. What is happening?

I went inside the house and the scene in front of my eyes shocked me.

My father was lying on the floor bleeding tremendously from his left arm and right leg and the person in front of him was fiddling with a gun.

"Dad!" I yelled and rushed to him. I couldn't hold my tears. I was frightened, I was frightened seeing the immense amount of blood he was losing.

"I will take you to the hospital." I said and was about to get up when guns from all sides aimed at us.

I looked up at the man who was smirking seeing my dad in pain.

"Please let me take him to the hospital! Please let him live." I said not being able to control my tears. My voice was cracking up.

"Not so easily darling!'' He said grabbing my chin forcefully.

"What will I get from this?"

"Anything you want but please leave my father. Please let him be. I will do anything but please leave him." I said clutching on tightly to my father.


My breath stopped for a moment. My ears felt like they were betraying me. I couldn't process what he just said. My world breaking apart.

I wanted to save my father and the condition was I had to  marry a mafia who wanted to kill my father. The word 'Slave' kept on banging on my head.

You know how it feels when thousands of glass pieces stabbing you. That's what it felt like because getting married to him is the last thing anyone can want when he wants you to be his slave.

My dream world, my dream life got shattered in a moment but what was important at that moment was my father.

My mother died years ago so i had no one left other than my father and I couldn't lose him.

"What happened babygirl? Will you accept my proposal or shall I kill your father?" He said pointing his gun towards my father, hammering it.

"No no. I am ready." I said and I accepted my fate which was suffering the rest of my life.

He could do anything to me. Kill me, assault me after all I was his slave. Tears streamed down my eyes.

"No, Y/n! Don't do this!" My father pleaded but everything had already taken a turn.

"I am sorry dad." I said and ran towards my room. I heard that mafia chuckle.

*Flashback ends*

I heard someone knocking at the door. I wiped my tears and opened the door to see some of his bodyguards standing there with suitcases.

"We will be packing your stuff."


"It's sir's order." They said and went past me.

"Come down darling. We are ready to go." I heard that mafia yelling.

I had no other choice. With a heavy heart I went down wiping my tears.

"Please Kim Taehyung, don't do this." My father said with a great difficulty. His words were not clear.

"Dad! Why didn't you do anything? I agreed to your proposal then why are you standing here? Take my dad to the hospital!" I yelled at him seeing my dad's condition.

He suddenly held my throat choking me. "Don't you dare order me or yell at me! Remember you are my slave!'' He said in a low yet powerful voice.

"Leave my daughter!" My father yelled and that's when he came to his senses and left me.

I was out of breath. I was panting.

"Well, say bye to your father cause we are leaving." I looked at my father who was being taken to the hospital. I paced my leg to go behind him but

"Don't you dare!" I stopped hearing these words.

He gestured me towards the car and I followed him. We sat inside and the driver started the car.

I was broken inside. Everything was giving me pain. I was trying my best to seem weak infront of him but my eyes were betraying me. They were continuously shedding tears.

I felt him lean towards me and in a low, deep yet powerful voice he said "Don't worry darling, it's nothing but just the start. Save your tears cause who knows, you might have to cry more."

I couldn't hold back anymore. I broke out. I heard him chuckle at my condition.

How inhumane? How beast can a person be? How ruthless, how emotionless can a person be?

We reached the destination. I stepped out of the car just to see the immense, elegant piece of art in front of me. The house. It was so damn gorgeous but neither I had the wish not the energy to adore it.

I followed him and went in. He gestured me to sit on a couch as he sat on the one in front of it.

A man took out some papers and placed them on the table.

"These are the contract papers. From today you are my wife and you have to follow some rules. If you violate them, you will face the worst." He said looking at me.

" No. 1
You will have to obey me.
You will not cross your limits. Even if you are my wife, then also you can't interfere in my life.
You will not step out of this house without my permission.
You can't meet your dad."


"Yeah! You can talk to him but you will not meet him. And if you disobey me, you will face the worst." He said looking straight at my eyes.

"I too have a condition."

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