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Time flew and it was night.

Author's pov :

Taehyung was in his cabin thinking about what happened today. He was blankly staring at the ceiling when he closed his eyes and some memories flashed in his mind.


"No Y/n please please don't.... don't" Taehyung said breaking down into tears looking at her standing at a distance.

"I loved you...I loved you so much You s...sold me? killed my sister! I swear..I will not leave you....I..will make you suffer for... everything you did!"

His eyes held tears and anger. Her betrayal broke him into pieces but what was more painful was that she was the one to kill his family. He couldn't believe all these, it was too much, too much!

He felt his eyes closing and what he remembered after that was he woke up all naked, tied to a chair and his body covered in cuts and bruises.

*Flashback ends*

He opened his eyes with a jerk as the painful memories started hitting him. He rubbed off the tears that streamed down his eyes. He got up and left his cabin.

On the other side there was Y/n whose eyes were red and puffy. Her cheek was stained with dry tears. Her head was resting on the wall accompanied by her body.

The door suddenly banged open to reveal Taehyung. He was standing there with blood shot eyes. He wasted no time and grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged her to the living room.

She was startled but she didn't have the energy to express it. Taehyung brought her to the living room and left her hand with a jerk that made her stumble.

All the maids and the bodyguards looked at them trying to figure out what was going on.

"A glass of wine" He ordered as a maid brought a glass of wine. Y/n looked at him with her red puffy eyes without any reaction.

He stared at her and drank the wine.

"You love dancing right?"

As soon as she heard that she was in shock. Something unclear played on her mind but she was not being able to figure out what it was.

Taehyung threw the glass on the floor that made it shatter into pieces.

"Dance on them!"

Taehyung said and looked at Y/n. His eyes held anger but his words were calm.

Y/n looked at him with disbelief in her eyes. "What?" She finally managed to speak.

"Can't you hear?!" He yelled that made everyone in the living room flinch including Y/n.

Tears streamed down her eyes. She wanted dto reject, she wanted to yell at him but she gave up. She accepted her fate. She had no more energy left to fight.

She stepped forward onto the glass pieces and started dancing. The glass pieces pierced through her feet but she cared less. Tears were continuously streaming down her eyes.

She danced, in anger, in pain, in tiredness. She lost her mind. Her feet were bleeding continuously but she had no reaction on her face.

Taehyung was staring at her. At first he had a peaceful smirk on his face but it was dropping as he saw her dancing on those pieces of glass without any reaction even when her feet were bleeding.

His reaction became serious and a bit concerned as he saw her feet starting to bleed a lot. The glass pieces were fully covered in blood, but she kept on dancing without any reaction on her face.

He realised the gravity of his actions, fear consumed his mind. He immediately regretted it.

Tears were streaming down her face, she was screaming internally, crying internally due to the pain but it was so to an extent that her brain failed to put up any reaction on her face.

She started stumbling. Her body growing heavy. She lost her balance and was about to fall but Taehyung immediately bend down and held her preventing her from touching the ground.

The glass pieces pierced his knees but he cared less. He was sweating, he was tensed. He slowly patted on Y/n's face whose eyes were growing heavy. She was loosing her consciousness.

"Y/n! Look at me, Y/n?!" He said gently. He immediately picked her up despite the pain on his knees and quickly headed to their room. He laid her down and immediately grabbed a first aid kit.

He held her feet gently and carefully tried to remove the pieces of glass piercing her feet. She winced as he removed the pieces.

His heart clutched in hearing her painful sounds. He felt like punching himself. His eyes brimed with tears. "I am sorry!" He whispered feeling guilty of what he had done.

He cursed himself. His tears made their way out of his eyes. He couldn't believe he caused so much pain to the one he loved so much.

He carefully cleaned her wounds and bandaged them. He got up slowly and left the room. He came down to the living area. His knees bleeding and hurting but something more powerful captured his mind - guilt.

He was consumed in guilt. The way she was flinching everytime he touched her feet was evident on his mind. He came and sat near the glass pieces.

They were covered in blood. He picked up one of the piece and pierced it in his hand. He pressed his eyes tightly due to the pain. He took another piece and pierced it again into his hand.

He was hurting himself. His love for her was so much that after knowing that the cause of her immense pain was him, he decided to punish himself, hurt himself.

Even though he wanted her to suffer for what she did to him in the past, he loved her and her pain causes him pain. He hated seeing her in pain and thus he decided to try to feel the pain he caused her.

Tears streamed down his eyes but he didn't stop. After continuous events of piercing himself, he gave up. He sat there in the dark, in the silence, silently sobbing. He cried due to the pain, not only physical but also emotional.

He cried, cried till he could not more. He slowly pulled out the glass pieces from his knees and hands, wincing everytime.

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