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Y/n's pov :

I opened my eyes as the sunlight hit my me. I was about to get up when I saw the blanket over me. As far as I remember, I slept without these.

What the heck is he planning to do? Oh, it's just the start. This is nothing. He is trying to make me weak. I chuckled sadly. I got up from the couch and was heading towards the washroom when I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it and it revealed a handsome tall guy who was looking too cute to handle. His hairs falling on his forehead. I was staring at him, freezed at my position when he snapped me back in to the present world.

"Hi, I am Taehyung's brother." He said bowing to me and as he said that, my expressions changed.

"Ah! Please don't misunderstand me. You can be assured, I am not like him. I am here to talk to you." He said and I welcomed him. To be honest he actually didn't look like a beast as Taehyung.

We both sat on the couch. "My name is Seokjin." He said with a cute smile. "I am Y/n." You said. "I know."

"Y/n....I am very sorry for what my brother did. I don't know how he turned like this. He was such a sweet and kind person. I never thought he would do like that." He said in one go.

His expressions held sadness and concern. He was his older brother of course. I saw his eyes holding tears. He wiped them off quickly.

"Let's talk about something else." And we started talking. Honestly our vibes matched so well. We were literally laughing like maniacs. His silly jokes, his sudden laughs was getting me. We spent such a good time with each other, such a fun time with each other.

He was really not like Taehyung. He was not arrogant or heartless. He was a kind person who loves to talk. He gave me his phone number in case I need anything. He assured that he will be there for me whenever I need.

"Treat me like your older brother or friend. I will always be there for you." He smiled and left as he had work. I sat on the couch feeling a bit relieved as there was already someone who was nice.

Taehyung's pov:

"Hyung!" I called him as I saw him leaving. "Where were you?"

"I was talking to Y/n." He replied and it's when I lost my cool. I banged my hand on the glass table and he chuckled.

He chuckled? He is having fun seeing me like this?

"How can a brother be like this? You are my brother hyung. Why do you have to go against my will and talk to her? Don't you trust your own brother?" I led out my frustration in one go.

"Not when he acts like crazy and does anything even if its wrong." He said and went out of the house in no time. He didn't even notice that his brother's hand was bleeding.

I was fuming in anger. I banged my bleeding hand on the table again and went upstairs to my room. I banged open the door and saw Y/n resting her head on the back of the couch.

"You! You! You! Everything that's messing up in my life is because of you. You are the reason for my sufferings all these years. And now you are the reason why the only person I have left in my life is behaving strangely with me. I will not spare you."

I said locking her onto the couch she was sitting in that position. Her eyes hold fright and that is what I wanted to see. I want her to suffer in the same pain that I went through.

The pain that killed the sweet person inside me. The pain that took away everything from me. I want her to experience it.

I felt her and she sat there numb pretending as if she didn't understand anything.

I heard her sobbing? What kind of new drama is this?!

"Why are you doing this to me?! What have I done?! I can't anymore. You are treating me like a puppet! Why?!" She yelled at me.

I couldn't control anymore and grabbed her neck pinning her to the wall. "How dare you yell at me?!"

Instead of trying to free herself. She broke down in tears. I don't know but I felt bad and left her.

She broke down on her knees. "Just kill me if you want to! I can't! I can't this anymore. I seriously don't know anything, I don't remember anything. Who are you and why are you doing this to me? What did I do? I don't know anything."

She held her head groaning in a loud voice. She was crying miserably. I felt guilty


how the heck can she say she doesn't know me? How? This is full pretentance. It is impossible that she doesn't know me. Why is she pretending?! It would have been more easy if she had revealed that it was her. I would be hurt less. Why is she doing this?

It hurts me too. It hurts to give her pain but I can't just let her go like that. You could have accepted by yourself y/n then it wouldn't have been too complicated. You kept hiding these years to escape from it. Instead you could have surrendered yourself.

And now when I found you you are pretending to not know anything? I will never forgive you Y/n.

I didn't say anything and left the room harshly closing the door. I couldn't handle it anymore. I went to my cabin and tears started flowing down my eyes. I broke out.

It hurts me hurts me too....
I am the villain! Am I really the villain? Did I do something wrong? Was it really my fault for trying to punish the one who ruined everything which the law will never do and everyone knows that.

Author's pov :

He was crying his heart out. He might seem a ruthless and cold person but the pain inside him which he is holding onto for a long time makes him weak.

He was once too a sweet person with a warm personality. A person who considered love as the ultimate power, a person, who loved someone, a person with the beautiful smile a beautiful face and more specifically a beautiful heart.


Suddenly everything changed after that one incident where he felt betrayed, where he lost his closed one, his trust from love died. He submerged into darkness forever.

He was sobbing hard in pain, in sadness but...

There was someone who was enjoying seeing him helpless. The UNKNOWN figure, who had a mischievous smile on his face!

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