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"what?" He laughed out loud. "Ok tell me. Lets hear what you have for me."

"You can't cheat on me." I said gaining courage and looking into his eyes.

"Seriously?" He chuckled again. "Ok fine. I will not 'cheat' on you. But remember, stay in your limits after all you will be my slave." He said coming closer to me.

"Now sign it." He said giving the pen to me. I closed my eyes as all the events flashed in my mind. My hands were trembling. A sign and everything would be destroyed.

My freedom, my happiness everything. I would become a puppet to play with. I grabbed the pen and signed the papers. I heard him sigh and chuckle.

I surrendered everything. I knew.

"Take her to her room, rather our room." He ordered and one of the maids came and showed me the room. It was asthetic. Designed with black, grey and white tiles, it was really awesome.

The maid unpacked the luggage and went out. I sat on the bed lost in the thoughts of the future. My eyes brimed with tears.

I was lost in my thoughts when the door opened harshly and I flinched followed by standing up. I quickly wiped away my tears and looked away. He started coming slowly towards me.

I saw anger in his eyes. Anger, revenge captured his eyes. I am a doctor, I had psychology as a subject during my studies so I can read his eyes.

Something that can't be explained was in his eyes. Tears, anger and revenge all in one. There was something. He came towards me and grabbed my shoulders harshly.

I hinched in pain. His grip was strong and painful. With his red eyes he looked into mine. I saw hatred, hatred for me in his eyes.

"It's paining!'' I said but he strengthened his grip. He looked into my eyes and said "You will face every pain that I had to go through. I will make sure to give every ounce of it back to you. JUST WAIT! AND WATCH!''

He left my shoulders harshly pushing me a bit. I rubbed my shoulders to ease the pain. I was confused.

What was he saying? What did I do?

"What do you mean?''
"Don't act like you are innocent. I will not spare you!" He yelled.

He is yelling at me for something that I don't even know about. What was my fault? My eyes teared up don't know why.

"You will be sleeping in the couch. And don't ever expect any kind of affection from me because you don't deserve it." He said and pondered on the bed turning off the lights.


I said nothing and headed towards the couch and sat down. In this cold sleeping without a blanket without a pillow, the thought made my eyes teary. It was just the start of everything.

I wiped away my tears and laid down on the couch. I hugged myself tightly to avoid the cold but it was impossible. I tried to sleep and I don't know when I dosed of shivering.

Taehyung's pov:

I opened my eyes as the sunlight hit me. It was too cold that my mind was not wanting me to wake up. I turned around and my eyes widened as I saw her lying on the couch hugging herself tightly.

I saw her shivering due to the cold and she had goosebumps. I ignored her as this is what I wanted, wanted her to suffer and she is suffering but....

A part of me felt bad. I might be rude, might be ruthless, might be that my hands don't shake while killing someone but I am not heartless.

"Your fault is taking part in the conspiracy plotted against me." I said as anger rushed my veins. I closed my eyes remembering the incidents.

Each and every scene was clear in my memory. I can never forget that and the reason is YOU! I went past her and went into the washroom closing the door harshly.

I opened my shirt to take a shower. I rested my hands on the basin and looked at the mirror. "How miserable you have become Kim Taehyung, HOW MISERABLE!" I said and smashed my hand onto the wall.

I came out of the washroom after taking a shower and as I came out I saw her sleeping figure again. Don't know why but I took the blanket and covered her with it.

I should have been happy considering the fact that she is suffering but I don't know what's happening to me.

I changed and went down and I met someone I was not expecting to.

"Hey Stob it!!" That's the first thing he said I saw it coming. But the difference was his tone was serious and not funny. "What do you think are you doing Taehyung?" Seokjin hyung said.

"I am doing what is needed." I replied back as he came towards me holding my shoulders and shaking them. "Are you out of your mind? Revenge has blinded you so much that you can't differentiate between right or wrong?''

"I am not wrong!" I yelled. "She is the reason behind our suffering hyung! Because of her we had to go through so much!"

"There is no proof that it was her! You are just assuming things. You are taking a very big wrong step Taehyung. I am warning you, please come back to your senses before it's too late." He said which made my blood boil.

"I am not going to move an inch from my decision. I will make sure that she faces hell!'' I yelled.

"How miserable you have become Taehyung!'' He said and made a expression of disgust. He went past me and headed upstairs. I was left standing there feeling to break everything, destroy everything.

My brother, the only person whom I have left in my life is turning against me. I will not spare you Y/n! This is all your fault!

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