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(Warning, if you lost a grandparent it may be a bit harsh)
Love you all and hope you slightly enjoy this chapter!
Yn view
"Lizzie I can't let this happen, Rose is the sunshine of many people, and yeah I've known her for a week but shes the sweetest girl and shes only 5 years old. I can't let her loose her smile or get traumas with it... with her knowing her dad abused her mom and stuff like that" I said with a worried tone. Scarlett and Rose were showering themselves and Lizzie was paying attention to me.

"Want to tell me? Why you want to help her Yn... She could be your mother, a strange thing... maybe a cousin, but she isnt... shes a complete stranger for you, youve just met her in the plane because of giving you back the scarf your grandma made for you" she said to me

"Lizzie, that woman saved my life since me and my best friend where 6 years old. I know my best friends life perfectly, she had to live her entire childhood with me because her parents where never there for her, my mother had to take care of her as another 3 kids including me. Her parents where just like Rose parents, they both weren't at home, and when they where they fought and her father used her mother and she didnt say a word!" I was getting really pissed because my best friend didnt have the life she deserved. I was in tears.

"We where 15 and my best friends mother overdosed and she find her on the floor unresponsive with no life, then my best friend didnt know what to to, she came to my house and wanted to take her life, so yes I do care about that little kid that is literally sunshine. Scarlett aka black widow has been in my best friends life and my life for more than half of our lives" I started screaming at Lizzie but not because I was mad at her, I scream at her because I couldnt have the same story again. But this time 13 years later.

"Im sorry Yn... I didnt know. Im sorry your best friend and you had to deal with such pain... but we can't do anything... Scarlett is a grown woman with 32 years old and she has to deal with her problems..." Lizzie said to me. I was fascinated, how could she say that when I know what shes been through, I do know the problems Robbie and her have, she doesnt know I know but it was in the media and I could figure out everything.

"So you wouldn't like me to help you with Robbie then... as youre all grown up, you can deal with the shit youre living uh? You really are capable of telling Robbie that?" I then stop talking looking at her. She was amazed and hurt.

Lizzie view
"Ho-how... do you k-know about... me and- R-Robbie?" I asked with a knot in my throat.
How did she know what was going on with my husband and I... I had so many problems with him and could she... she was... my friend


"It's been in the news for years Elizabeth, does Robbie do things you dont accept? Cause is all over the news, ALSO! Why didnt you go to see him... is he somewhere you dont know? How can you be in a fraternity if you have money and you have a house? It's difficult right to face with reality right... there where photographs with you covering the bruises which was a fail though, you dont smile like you used to when you did "In secret" and now youre blaming me for wanting to help Scarlett?, oh Im so done with you! You do not know a fuck of my life and what Ive been through, we know each other for 4 days but I am alive because of that woman inside the bathroom and you are also my life saviour but you arent anymore." She said

I froze up... I wanted to cry so bad and her to hug me... she knew what was going on in my marriage life... she knew me since she was little. Im her life saviour? How? I just made films... and that it... nothing else...

"Im your life saviour?" I finally said to her wanting to burst into tears.

"Yes yes you are..." she said to me. I then stood up from the chair I was sitting and I hug her. I wanted to feel her and I didnt care of nothing more. I wanted to her to be like friends, maybe more than friends... but... I know that not possible... Im too old for her. I wanted to be her safe person too. Then a phone started ringing, it wasn't mine. It was Yn's. She then pulled away and got the phone.

Yn view
My phone rang and so I got it, it was my big brother, James

"Hey James! How are you?" I started, he sounded quite hesitant through the phone.

"Hey Yn... I have to tell you some things... but first how are you in the USA, are they treating you right? Did you make friends?" He told me

"Yes, do you know who is my roommate?" I said to him "No, who?" He asked. "Elizabeth Olsen"

"No fucking way! Seriously?! Omg so cool... but... isnt she to old to go to college?" He asked me

"We'll yeah but thats a long story, what do you have to tell me..." I asked really panicked.

"It's... ummm... It's grandma..." he started and my heart stopped for a second

"What about her James?" I asked him with no breath in my lungs and my heart beating so fast

"You have to come as quickly as possible before you start classes..." he said to me

"Wait whats wrong with her? Is she alright? Is granny alright?, JAMES TELL ME! DONT STAY QUIET FOR GODS SAKE!" I was panicking so badly I didnt notice Scarlett was standing there looking at me, already dressed.

"She's really sick... and you have to come... I think we have to say our last... goodbyes.." he said

My world stopped, I couldn't believe it... my person, the person that was my main string to be alive... she was going to go within days... she taught me everything I know from performing, dancing, singing and music... she was going to go forever

"How is she? Is it something bad?" I asked my brother

"Yn I can't talk anymore I need you to come please... she has to talk with you" James said " Ill see you when you come back, please come" then he stopped the call and I stood there for some minutes before coming back to real life

I look at both woman "I have to go back to my home town... can you let me one of your jets?" I asked to Lizzie and Scarlett, which both where listening to everything.

"What's wrong Yn?" Scarlett said, "is everything alright?"

I just looked at her and started packing a few things, didn't say anything. Then I notice both of their arms holding me and me bursting into tears.

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