CHAPTER 34 : The Big Decision

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Due to the abdication of elder son It was decided that the next king will be choosen by secret ballot. As the day arrived for the selection of the next king through a secret ballot. As the sun cast its golden rays over the gathering, the air crackled with anticipation and tension.

First Ajeet, ascended the stage with a confident stride. With eloquence and fervor, he painted a vivid picture of his vision for the kingdom, promising prosperity, stability, and honor. Some in the crowd nodded in agreement, swayed by his persuasive rhetoric, while others exchanged skeptical glances, unconvinced by his promises.

Then, it was Aadhyant's turn to step into the spotlight. As he approached the podium, a hush fell over the audience, their eyes fixed expectantly on the prince.

As Aadhyant, stepped onto the stage, his regal demeanor commanding attention. The murmurs died down, replaced by a hushed anticipation as he began to speak.

"My esteemed citizens," he began, his voice steady yet infused with an unusual fervor. "Today, I stand before you not to make a case for my own ascendancy to the throne, but to challenge the very traditions that have governed our kingdom for generations."

His words hung heavy in the air, drawing confused glances and furrowed brows from the audience.

"For too long," Aadhyant continued, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd, "we have adhered to the belief that only those of royal blood are fit to rule. But today, I say no more. Today, I stand here to relinquish my claim to the throne."

All family, friends, and his wife turned their heads toward him. Everyone was shocked by his decision.

Gasps and whispers rippled through the crowd, a wave of astonishment spreading like wildfire.

"And why, you may ask?" Aadhyant's voice rose, imbued with a passion that stirred the hearts of those listening. "Because there is one among us who is more deserving, more qualified, and more dedicated to the welfare of our kingdom than I could ever hope to be."

His eyes turned to Vihanna, his wife, who stood beside him, her expression a mixture of surprise and apprehension.

"It is she," Aadhyant declared, his voice ringing out with conviction, "who should be our next ruler. A woman of unwavering courage, compassion, and wisdom. A woman who has tirelessly worked towards the betterment of our people."

A murmur of agreement began to swell within the crowd, whispers of approval and admiration filling the air.

"It is time," Aadhyant proclaimed, his voice echoing with the weight of history, "to cast aside the shackles of tradition and embrace a new era of progress and equality. I hereby nominate Vihanna Raghuvanshi, my wife, to stand in my place as a candidate for the throne."

With those words, Aadhyant stepped back, his gaze unwavering as he watched the stunned expressions give way to applause and cheers. And in that moment, he knew that he had ignited a spark of change that would illuminate the path towards a brighter future for their kingdom.

Vihanna stood beside Aadhyant, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind reeling with disbelief as his words hung in the air. Shock washed over her like a sudden wave, leaving her momentarily speechless as she grappled with the weight of his nomination.

Her eyes widened in astonishment, searching his face for any hint of jest or uncertainty, but finding only unwavering conviction in his gaze. She felt the eyes of the crowd upon her, their murmurs of surprise and curiosity swirling around her like a whirlwind.

For a fleeting moment, doubt crept into her mind, whispering of the impossibility of such a proposition. But then, as she met Aadhyant's steady gaze, a spark of determination ignited within her.

With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Vihanna stepped forward, her voice ringing out with newfound resolve. "I... I am honored by this nomination," she began, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "And though the path ahead may be daunting, I accept this challenge with humility and dedication to serve our kingdom to the best of my ability."

As her words echoed through the gathering, a wave of applause erupted from the crowd, their support and encouragement washing over her like a warm embrace.