chapter three

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We follow JJ as we walk around the northside of Kildare. It's a hot and humid day. There's already a layer of sweat forming on my skin. I try not to let myself complain. We are out here for a reason. We need to get John B and Sarah back home.

As we walk, I can't help but begin to feel guilty. I managed to avoid my mom this morning. She was up early and off to work at the hospital. I hope she just thinks I'm lounging around. At some point I'm gonna have to come up with a lie as to how I've been spending my time.

"This is the north drain. The gun should've gotten washed into the gully." JJ's voice brings me back to reality. We stopped where the edge of the ground meets the water. It falls at a steep but short slope. We easily climb down onto the rocks that surround the drain opening. "That means the gun should've washed out somewhere around-"

"All this trash." Pope finishes JJ's sentence. I frown as we stare at the collection of colorful plastic floating around the shallow water. Reminds me of stained glass. In a bad way I suppose.

"People who use plastic should be shot." Kie groans in disgust.

"I second that." I pipe up, agreeing with the girl.

"Personally, I love plastic. Use it every day." JJ claims. I roll my eyes.

"Well hopefully you recycle it and don't just let it flush into the ocean." Kie snaps back. JJ smirks. He is loving this.

"Well now Kie, don't forget that JJ is president of the recycling club." I offer. Kiara scoffs. Now I'm just adding on to her torture.

"I figured you'd say something like that." Pope says, pulling something out of his pocket. I instantly groan when I see what it is.

"Trash bags?" JJ asks, mirroring my annoyance. Pope waves the bags around and smiles up at Kie, waiting for her approval.

"Wow, are you like actively trying to protect the environment?" The girl exclaims. Pope just shrugs. JJ and I share a look and then burst out laughing.

"Want us to leave you two alone?" JJ teases.

"Yea what is going on?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows. Pope picks up a plastic bottle and chucks it at JJ's head.

"Just pick up the trash." He mutters. Then he passes me an empty trash bag. I sigh but do as I'm told. Kie grabs a bag from Pope and begins to help as well. I pause and watch JJ pick up a few floating pieces of plastic. My mind drifts to last night. Nothing happened, really. We just cuddled in the hammock. Then I made the lame excuse of needing to get home. JJ offered to walk me home, but I just couldn't let him. I don't think it's a good idea to start anything when I have to leave so soon. It felt right though, being in his arms.

It takes us just shy of half an hour to finish cleaning up the trash. I help Pope throw the last of the filled bags up onto the bank.

"So no gun." I say what we are all thinking.

"No gun." Pope repeats.

"That must mean its..." Kiara starts, eyeing the sewer drain.

"Its in the drain." JJ finishes.

"Of course it is." I sigh. JJ begins to rummage through the bag he brought.

"Good thing I've got the crowbar." He chirps. He pulls it out and begins to try and spread apart the bars that block the drain. I look behind me at Kie. She quickly shakes her head.

"Are we doing rock, paper, scissors for this?" She asks me. I open my mouth to reply but I don't have an answer. I don't wanna go in there. I don't want to be a part of the discussion for who has to go in there.

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