Chapter 4

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A week had passed since my last match and my ankle was healing well. I had kept busy with my studies and kept to myself. The big planned party was tonight and the whole year was invited. I couldn't see myself going as it was Lexies party after all but Rose had convinced me to go even if it was for an hour. I hadn't spoken to Ashley much, only during our math sessions. I was a little taken back by her honesty but I just could not shake the feeling that I wanted to be around her more. Every time I would go somewhere I found myself looking for her. I wasn't sure what this meant but it could only be a good thing. I felt my phone buzz and was pleasantly surprised to see who it was.

Ashley: hey you free?

I waited a moment before I replied.

Illyria: just got back to my dorm what's up?

Ashley: meet me at my spot?

Illyria: sure let me get changed and I will be down.

I opted to change into my party wear as I would go straight to the party afterwards. I put on a simple black dress and a leather jacket. I didn't want to get too dressed up as I didn't want to stand out. My aim was to make an appearance then leave. My teammates would be disappointed if I didn't go so I felt like I had too.

It was a warm evening and felt I myself working up a sweat as I reached the lake. I could see Ashley sat on the log with a cigarette in hand. She had her long blonde locks down and was dressed rather smartly, I had never seen her put such an effort into the way she looked, not that there was anything bad in the way she dressed.

"Hey" I spoke calmly and she turned to face me. She looked me up and down and smiled.

"I didn't think you would be going to the party?" She asked.

"Couldn't let my teammates down they would get up to no good if I'm not there, plus Rose convinced me" I smiled.

"Well I'm glad she did, you look beautiful" she said shyly.

"You don't look bad yourself, I'm surprised you are going to the party I thought you didn't like them?"

"Well it's my log cabin too and I love seeing how annoyed Lexie gets when I turn up" she grinned. "Anyway I wanted to see you before I went, we can turn up together now, that would make a bold statement" she giggled.

"Are you drunk?" I asked as she seemed awfully giggly and off balanced.

"Maybe just a little, do you want some?" She handed me the small bottle of vodka that was hidden in her trouser pocket.

I took the bottle and had a swig. I felt nervous around Ashley but in a good way. The taste of pure vodka was vile and I gladly returned the bottle. "How can you drink it like that?"

"After a few sips it tastes like water" she laughed. She attempted to stand but failed miserably and ended up on the floor.

"I think you have had enough" I offered my hand and pulled her back up. She took hold of my hips and it caught me off guard. She sensed this and took a step back.

"Sorry" she slurred out and looked embarrassed.

"It's okay maybe we should take you back to the dorms?" I suggested but Ashley did not look impressed.

"I'm fine I want to go to the party, I can't let Lexie steal the show she's already stolen my brother" Ashley whined as she started to make her way to the log cabin.

I followed behind her slightly concerned but I knew there was no telling her no. I could hear the music coming from the log cabin and the many people that surrounded it. As we got there Ashley wondered off to find Tyler so I sat by myself and people watched. Many were already drunk and dancing along to the loud music. Some of the football girls approached me and handed me a drink, it was much needed. I didn't often drink as I hated a hangover.

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