Chapter 1

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Illyria Channing and Lexie Peters were official. Crofton high's latest lovebirds which was all anyone was talking about. The captain of the women's football team was dating the stunning super model that was Lexie Peters. Popularity was always on both their sides but now students looked at the couple and practically drooled.

Ashley however despised the pair. Well mainly Lexie. She wasn't jealous of the 5'7 blonde model, (okay maybe a little), but the hatred all started when Lexie dated Ashley's twin brother Jake and made Ashley's life living hell. Why Lexie had such a problem with her she will never know but at least the psycho wouldn't mess with her brother anymore.

"I'm sorry but they are a horrible couple really" Tyler muttered as he passed the joint back to Ashley. They had 20 minutes left of lunch until dorm checks so managed to escape to the bottom of the lake to smoke a spliff where no teachers could bother them. "Watch it last two months before it becomes a shit show and Lexie finds her next prey"

"I don't know Illyria looks smitten to me" Ashley added but not really caring as the topic bored her.

"I swear Jake and Illyria are close. Surely he's pissed at her for taking his girl?" Tyler asked fuelling the gossip.

"Tyler what makes you think I would know the answer to that?" Ashley tossed Tyler the rest of the joint as she got up and started to make her way back to the dorm rooms.

"Umm because he's your brother? Or did you forget that" Tyler shouted after her but just received the middle finger in return. Tyler didn't take any offence and just laughed at his friend as she stumbled back up to school.

Ashley and Tyler has been friends since they were 5 and were practically inseparable since. But as Ashley got older she became more and more distant with everyone. No emotion was ever shown and it was a rare occasion seeing her sober.

Ashley opened the double doors to the old brick building and headed to her dorm. Due to the fact that her parents were horrifically rich she managed to acquire a room all to herself and didn't have to share with any roommates. Ashley loved being alone and in her own company, usually listening to loud alternative music. Her room was spacious and fitted a double bed unlike most dorm rooms. There wasn't a single blank space on the wall between the band posters and doodles that dotted around the room. An overused guitar hung on the wall along with loads of different skateboards that rested on the shelves.

The next best part of Ashley's room was the wardrobe full off hoodies and oversized T-shirts. Ashley wasn't necessarily popular but she had a style to die for which helped her in the social ranks. Also the regular drug use got her invited to all the parties in hope that she would share. Ashley's brother Jake was captain of the boys football team so was one of the most popular boys in the school. Everyone adored him and his charming looks. His blonde locks did him so many favours as well as his 6'3 frame.

Ashley and Jake got on well most of the time but like most siblings they also hated each other as well. Their parents didn't have much to do with them as they were always away on business trips. Ashley didn't particularly care as she never had a good relationship with either parent, Jake however was a sucker of trying to get their love so always strived to be the best at everything.

After dorm checks were completed, Ashley had to go sort out her timetable as she had a few free slots that needed to be filled otherwise she would have to take part in some sort of sport which was definitely not going to happen. Sport and Ashley did not mix, skating was as far as it went. She did not get why someone would want to go out of their way and go running. Just the thought of it made her tired.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could sign up to become a tutor for maths?" Ashley asked the receptionist as surprisingly she was very good at maths and actually enjoyed it.

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