Chapter 3

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It was getting late and the sun was setting when we got back to campus, today felt refreshing and I was starting to see a different side to Illyria. I was pleasantly surprised at how down to earth she really was, it was a shame she spent so much time around Lexie. We parted ways as Illyria headed to the gym, I thought about joining her but it didn't take long for me to dismiss the thought. I headed back to my dorm room and practiced playing my guitar. I was lost in my thoughts. Part of me wished that Illyria was single so I could get to know her more, but I also knew that wouldn't happen any time soon and it would probably be best to stay away for a while and focus on more important things.


I hadn't seen Ashley since our walk and the holidays was almost over. I was hoping I would bump into her again as I enjoyed spending time with her and getting to know her as a friend. It felt lonely not having Lexie around. We had shared brief messages but she was busy with her family and I almost felt jealous. I could feel myself going crazy not having the usual routine of lessons and football practice.

I was staring at the posters on the wall when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up to see Rose standing on the other side. "You do know you have a key" i grinned as i enveloped her into a hug.

"I know I just didn't want to interrupt anything" she winked at me as she rolled in her suitcase. "So how was the holidays? Did you miss me?"

"Of course! And it was okay I didn't get up to much, I went for a nice hike with Ashley" Illyria smirked shyly worried about the judgment her friend might show.

"Ashley as in Ashley Preston? Jake Preston's twin?" Rose asked shocked.

"Yeh she's my maths tutor and she didn't go home either" I defended. "She's Tyler's best mate isn't she?" Rose blushed at the mention of Tyler.

"Yeh I was just surprised to hear you hanging out with a stoner considering your an athlete" rose remarked.

"I like talking to her she brings a calming vibe and is actually really cool" I commented. "Anyways how is Tyler?"

"Yeh he's good we've been spending a lot of time together recently and I enjoy his company, maybe we could all hang out together and go for lunch, ask Ashley to come too, it would be nice to get to know her" Rose smiled as she started to unpack her things.

"That sounds good, I don't think Lexie would be pleased with it though" I frowned, although I was looking forward to seeing the blonde.

"I don't know what you see in that girl honestly, she's just using you for popularity" Rose remarked. And I just stayed silent as I wasn't sure how to reply.


Finally I was back at football practice and it felt so good to put my football boots back on. There was a big match coming up at the weekend so it was important that we got back into the swing of things quickly so we were prepared to keep our unbeaten run going. Lexie was sat on the bench with her friends watching me train, it was good having her back with me but I couldn't help think about what everyone kept saying about her. I definitely needed to have a hard conversation with her.

I had told Lexie about my holidays but she didn't seem too interested so I left out the part where I spent the day with Ashley as I knew it would cause more harm than good. I walked back over to the bench she was sat on once football was over and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I am going to go shower" I stated as I walked off into the dorms.

"Wait" Lexie shouted after me. "I'll come with you" she winked as she got up from the table and grasped my hand.

I quickly showered and washed my hair and sat down on my bed where Lexie was glued to her phone, she seemed distant since she had got back from the holidays.

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