Ten; Angeline

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The next morning, all everyone was talking about was Harper's bold speech from the game. This included Alydia—who stood against her locker with Amerie, Quinni, and Darren.

All gossip came to a pause as the girl in question walked down the corridor. People whispered not-so-quietly as she passed, sparing her looks of astonishment and disgust.

Quinni gasped, eyes following her figure. "Whoa. Half the school thinks she's an untouchable icon."

"The other half thinks she's a batshit banshee." Darren commented, eyes on her also.

Alydia raised her arm. "Let's not forget about those who can't give two shits."

Amerie shrugged. "And I am not wasting another brain cell thinking about her. I spent all weekend manifesting a beautiful new reality and I have zero shits left to give about anything."

Darren sighed, almost pitifully. "Okay, Amerie, wake up. Your heart is shattered into a million, tiny, pathetic pieces."

She huffed, rolling her eyes teasingly while pushing herself off of the locker. Her smile suddenly dropped as she spotted Malakai, within the crowds of the corridors.

Darren sighed, grabbing her shoulder to pull her out of her trance. "Let's go. Forget about Threesome Boy."


The group stood on the second floor of the school, overlooking the railings above the yard. Quinni was taking a bunch of polaroids, prompting for her three friends to pose.

"I'm literally the hottest thing this side of the bridge and he's treating me like a foot fungus. Ca$h is officially expired."

"Maybe he just doesn't like boning as much as you do." Quinni suggested, waiting for the polaroid to print.

"Oh, please." Darren huffed, dismissively. "Have you seen who he hangs out with? If those eshays aren't dealing drugs, they're wheeling with their dicks."

"Not everyone functions the way that you do. And, besides, you guys haven't even had a conversation about what you're both looking for, yet. That's what Sasha and I did it when we first started dating." Quinni smiled, shaking the processing polaroid.

"Aw. Or I could just get shit-faced and forget he ever existed." Darren paused, straightening up at their own idea. "Hey, Amerie, your mum's working the night shift tonight, yeah?"


Alydia had only blinked, and Darren was stood on the railing, shouting out to the school. "Listen up, cum stains! Lonely hearts gatho at Amerie's tonight. BYO alcohol, you cheap, cheap hoes. And no Year 7s."

Alydia snorted, Quinni cackled and Amerie panicked, trying to pull them down.

She shook her head defiantly, waving her hands around. "No, that was a totally fabricated lie."

"Oh, shit. I hope not." Sasha suddenly appeared, snuggling up to Quinni.

"Uh. Nothing's happening."

Darren turned to her with a frown. "Are you serious? This is the first time, like, in months that anyone wants to hang out with you. Okay, this could be the biggest comeback since crop tops."

"Or flared trousers." Alydia noted, remembering the random trend of 70's fashion.

Darren nodded at her, before going back to convince Amerie. "You only get one shot at this."

Amerie sighed, knowing they were right. "Um. Actually, yes, something is happening tonight at my place."

Sasha smiled, nodding. "Okay."

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