Savant, Chapter 1

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For many months, we had been running. Running from our past, away from them. It's been 7 months. 7 months of fear. Dread. Sadness. Anger... 7 months of every possible feeling associated with fear, paranoia. I always wondered if he was watching me. If he was watching us. Why did he want us? What does he want?



The sound of Melody's voice filled my ears as my eyes shot open. She was comforting me. Like always. 

Fuck me.

"S-sorry." I manage to whimper out as sweat slid down my head. It was only now that I realized how soaked my pillow actually was. Fuck.

"Jacob, you're okay... He isn't here anymore." Melody spoke, caressing my sweaty cheek with her thumb.

Right. I had forgotten that we were safe here... That he actually no longer existed... He wasn't real... And that was just a dream. A dream I feared most.

"Liam will be over in a few minutes... You really need to see him." She continued, and my eyes rolled as I let out a sigh. A sigh of relief. Relief overwhelmed me when I became more aware of my surroundings and leaned up. Tossing my soaked pillow off the bed and leaning back against my headboard.

"I don't want to see Liam." I then added. Though I was becoming more aware of my surroundings, my eyes were still slightly heavy. I had started to cool down since originally waking up from that nightmare.

"Why not Jacob? You need him. Look at you." She muffled, taking a seat on my bed and slightly turning to face my still tired body as I remained leaned against the headboard. "He's only hel-"

"I said I don't want to see him, Melody." I cut her off before she could finish. Frustration brewed within me as my eyes had opened a little more, and I glared at her. She knows I hate it when she does this. Pestering me. Somehow, she did it anyhow, disregarding whatever I said. Every time. "Please." I sigh softly, my eyes softening soon after. 

I could see the sadness engulf her immediately. Oh Melody. What shall I ever do with you?

"I'm sorry." She whimpered quietly. And I tore my gaze away from her. Fucking Melody, man.

"No... I'm sorry." I repeated after her, opening my arms, to which she hadn't hesitated to come within. Embracing me. And I bury my face deep within her neck. Filling my lungs with her scent.

I know well though that she wouldn't give up. She would never stop asking. She only wanted me to be well. To be okay...

"Maybe just for today..." She whispered softly. And I ignored her. I ignored her because she had the power to make me give in. To make me be okay with seeing Louis, even though I didn't want to.

I pull away from her neck, only caring my face over to meet with hers and taking her lips... Would that work?


She pulled away before I could. She knew what I was trying to do. 


"Okay." I sighed out, and I let her go. I knew it wouldn't be long before Liam was here, so I had to be fast with preparing myself this morning. I pulled away from her and stood up, making my way toward the bathroom. 

"You're upset with me, aren't you?" She muffled, yet I continued to the bathroom. Ignoring her. Sometimes, it was best I did that to avoid an argument. To avoid fights. We both wouldn't always agree on certain things, and because I hated that so much, I've learned to stay silent and walk away.

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