Savant, Chapter 4

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-Unknown POV-

"Boss, he's here." I spoke out softly, my arms folding as i glare behind my shoulder slightly, a soft grunt escaping my mouth as I stood before the leader of everything. The man who controlled my life. Who's broke me and built me back up once again.

"Great." He smiles. Standing to his feet and walking toward me. The same smile he held that broke me repeatedly. If I thought I meant anything to him at all, I was all too wrong. "come, come. Don't shy away from me now." He laughed as he grabbed the boy's arm from behind me, pulling him past me, and I sighed deeply as I watched this boy struggle from his tight hold.

"Get the fuck off of me!!" the boy yelled, but he just grinned. His grin soon turned into laughter as a swarm of his guards hurdled both inside and at the front of the door. I sighed deeply as my arms folded. Watching this as if it was nothing.

The thing with my boss was, showing emotions in situations such as this means you are apart of them. It's almost like a betrayal to him, so he says. He always reminds his whole team about what happened with one of his past members. He shot the man because he cried when they had went out to kill another gang. He reminds us all the time that even if we may grow to care about each other, in this life, betrayal is never to be accepted.

"You think you can set me up and get away? Ah?" Boss smiled as he spoke aggressively, grabbing the boy as he scrunched up his shirt.

"I didn't do anything!! I swear!" The boy began to try and fight boss off, but that would be a grave mistake later on..

"You didn't do anything? I'm fucking stupid? Is dumbass written all over my fucking face?!" His tone grew louder, more hoarse. More devious. So much more devious that it scared me.

I had watched him get upset multiple times. More times that can be counted. The thing with my boss was, He wasn't just anyone. He was a drug lord. He was the top of every drug gang there was, and he had to always stay protected. He had to always stay on high alert.. Because people were hunting him. They wanted his blood. The blood that I had to protect.. The same one I've tasted..

"Everyone. Get the fuck out of here. Find yourself something to do until I call for you." He croaked, taking the boy into the back of this room.. I listened as the door opened and slammed shut, and the boy's cries grew faint as he was out of sight. Bosses' guards began to scatter, any free time they were allowed, they took to their leisure. When the room fell silent, and everyone was gone, my core burned when I could hear faint screams.. I knew what he was doing.. That poor boy.. The boy that I bought to him.. I found myself staring at the ground as I had not left the room when instructed. I knew he hated it when we didn't listen, But I always lead myself to think that I was different to him than the others. That he cared about me.

My thoughts had stopped as I heard the door open, and he stood before me near the door. Slightly bloodied.. He had either just killed the boy, or beat him up really bad.

"Did I not say to get out?" He grunted, He looked so angry, as if I had upset him to his core.

"Boss.." I muffled but my voice caught when he had suddenly got a hold of me, slamming me up against the entry door of this room. I gaged softly, but his hands tightened around my neck.. I couldn't even recognize his beautiful brown eyes..

"Do you know how fucking angry I get when I am disrespected?" He whispered, his soft tone was harsh and different.. Where's the man I know? The same one I am so deeply in love with for some odd fucking reason. "ANSWER ME!" he roared.. and i began to tremble in fear as a tear fell from my eye. He always did this. He always hurts me.

"I.." Was all I could muffle.. I felt the little air I could possibly ever muster up, escape my mouth softly as I tried to gasp.

"Why can't you fucking listen to me princess? Why do you make me do this?!" He seemed to be getting more pissed off as he spoke, and I felt my eyes roll back as tears streamed down my face. Just before I could die, he let go of me. I felt as my knees grew numb and I fell onto the floor.. gasping for everything I breathed in as I soon began to sob.. And I quickly tried to gather myself once again, leaving his office. Leaving his sight.

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