Just save you

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THE Vincenzo Cassano , the ruthless mafia lawyer , the mastermind , the genius , and what not . The guy who never panics , is here today,  driving like hell to save his lover and his besfriend from a psychopath - jang han seok or maybe a criminal leading babel ,A big company , interesting ,right ?

And today this monster made the biggest mistake of his life  , kidnapping his love , or may I say the monster's brother . yes Mr. Cassano fell for that sweet boy , his enemy's brother ,who never got the love he deserved and thought to help Vincenzo just to save himself from his brother . But as soon as his brother got out from jail his first target was Jang Han Seo . he kidnapped him and cha young and brought them to his pent house . and called vincenzo.

"where are u dear vincenzo , or do u want your best friend and lover die without even seeing their fav person for the last time ?" , said Han Seok .

"don't u dare to hurt them , or i will show u your worst nightmare ", said vincenzo ."please be safe love" ,he thought , worshiping for the first time .Isn't it funny a mafia who never cared to even go near a temple or church is here today begging god to save his lifeline his love .

as soon as he entered he saw the sight he never thought of even seeing in his dream , his bestfriend sitting helpless on the ground and han seo sitting on the other side with blood dropping from his head . That's what triggered vincenzo most first his mother and now his love and bestfriend . han seok gave han seo a hokey stick and said him to beat vincenzo but got refused on face . (think of the actual scene from the drama)after seeing vincenzo sitting in a surrender pose han seok pulled a trigger and shot vincenzo but to his fate cha young came in front of him got shot on her shoulder .this added fuel to han seo's anger against his brother , han seok was again ready to shoot vincenzo but han seo came and took the bullet on his stomach and fell on the floor . vincenzo chased han seok outside but he jumped off the balcony . vincenzo hurried inside to han seo who was getting ready for his deathbed .

"i did well , right", han seo muttered splitting some blood out from his mouth . "really well", replied vincenzo stopping the dwelling tears in his eyes . "it's the first time i helped some one", stated han seo . " dumbo , who told u to show this bravery .", cried vincenzo , on which han seo just smiled and closed his eyes . which panicked vincenzo . called the ambulance . in the ambluance he knew cha young will survive because she just got a shot on her shoulder but what about is lifeline his heartbeat . reaching the hospital they both were taken to OT there was no fuss about cha young but the the doctors gave up for han seo which gave vincenzo an unbearable shock  his just lost his life . just then a nurse came running out saying "miracle , his pulses are still mild " which created a hope for vincenzo . till then cha young was treated and mr nam with lee cheol wook and hong shik arrived at the hospital . and vincenzo went for the hunt of the moster.

after torturing him to his death vincenzo got a call from mr nam saying "he is alive but went in coma", and that was the signal he rushed to hospital from where he collected the gold and from mr ahn 2 passports . 2?

 "mr cassano who are u taking with you?" asked mr nam.

vincenzo stayed quiet and just looked at a perticular room . everyone understood. cause everyone knew that person will be safe in italy .just then cha young came .

"you were going to go without meeting even for the last time ."she said.

"you should rest" he interupted .

and did A LAST HUG. and said good bye.

after a week

its been a week since vincenzo returned from korea and han seo didn't woke up from his coma and this was slowly killing vincenzo's hope . 

"its enough , do you even want to sleep now , just wake up , i just cant live without u now ,please   " and it was when the his eyes gave up and the tears started falling  it was lonely they held all the pain and dropped on the hand oh han seo . 

"so u know how to cry also " a faint voice emerged . 

as vincenzo looked up he saw han seo opening his eyes . "miracle !" , this was the only word which came out from the doctor's mouth , after his check up the doctor informed vincenzo that han seo is fine but he will need a rest of more than 2 months . all the time vincenzo didn't uttered a word , as the doctors went out he come in and looked in the eves of his love who stared at him with the same passion and teared up . vincenzo rushed towards him and asked .

"are u hurt some where , why are u crying?" . "i love u " where the only words that came out fron his mouth because of his weakness "who told u to put a stunt like this , do you know how much scared i was , the doctor's also almost gave up did u once even thought that if something could have happened to you how would i be alive !!" han seo was just lookin like a small baby in front of vincenzo who took him in his arms carefully like he is a petal and would break if he held it even a bit  tight .

"why are u crying , look i am all fine , here lying in front of u " , said han seo .

"i thought i lost u, I love  you!", said vincenzo 

"I love u too !!" after hearing han seo's confession vincenzo kissed him and he replied with the same passion . 

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