.[Train Ride To Hell].

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Cordelia glanced around, trying to spot the person who was the owner of that name, somehow the name was familiar...all too familiar.
Finally, a few girls parted so Cordelia could get a view of the chosen child, and she felt her heart crack in dread and disgust...

A girl around the age of 13 stood amidst the crowd, her round deep blue eyes big with fear and shock. Cordelia knew her, she was at the orphanage she went to when her dad disappeared, Cordelia had run away from that awful place and never took a glance at it anytime she passed. Though she had grown close with the younger girl, she left her just to save her own ass from living the rest of her life in that horrible place.

Zoey's hair was in two ash-blonde pigtails, she wore a pale pink dress like every year, and of course..those round blue eyes that could soften the heart of anyone who looked at them, unlike Cordelia's which were like chips of ice.

A few girls cast Zoey looks of sympathy and sadness as they watched the young girl slowly and hesitantly walk herself out of the crowd and onto the path that led up to the stage.

"..Where are you, dear?" Coral called softly, leaning over slightly to get a view of the girl who was hidden in the crowd by her short height.

Cordelia watched in horror and confusion, she had left Zoey at such a young and vulnerable age in that horror-filled adoption center, and she couldn't do it again...

Cordelia couldn't leave Zoey to fend for herself again, because there was no doubt, she would never make it out alive.

The youngest victor ever was Finnick Odair, he won at the age of 14 in the 65th game, Zoey didn't have a shot at the age of 13.

Pushing girls aside, Cordelia's slow walking towards the path shifted to speed walking, shoving girls aside without care even if they shot her glares or hissed in annoyance. Cordelia had to make it out of the crowd before Zoey stepped foot onto that stage.

A few peacekeepers saw her and went to hold her back, she struggled in their grip, trying to push them off while staring frantically at Zoey.

"-Hey! No, NO! I volunteer..I volunteer!" Cordelia screamed, Zoey looked back in surprise as well as the peacekeepers that escorted her, Cordelia shoved the peacekeepers off her and stood in the middle of the dusty path.

"I volunteer as tribute!"

She gasped out breathlessly. Zoey blinked in shock for a moment before the young girl's eyes filled with tears, Zoey launched herself onto Cordelia with a tight hug.

"Y-You can't! No, please no!" Zoey cried, the peacekeepers already forcing her back into the crowd.

"Cordelia!" Zoey screamed, thrashing in their arms even though her attempts to escape were futile. Cordelia wiped away a tear that strayed down her cheek and turned back towards the justice building.

Her heart thudded against her chest so loudly it hurt, she felt like she could choke on her own spit. Two peacekeepers guided her towards the justice buildings and shoved her onto the stairs, Cordelia would have shot them looks of resentment, but instead, she was too terrified to even move, she must look like a stunned rabbit.

Coral reached out for her and guided her forcefully up the last few steps. "It seems we have a volunteer!" Coral cheered, walking back to the microphone, Cordelia standing on her side while gazing down at her feet. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, from the time that morning she was joking with Kaito and now being sent off to her death.

Too lost in thought, Cordelia hadn't heard Coral ask her question, turning to look at her with hollow-filled eyes.

"Huh?" Cordelia raised an eyebrow, Coral faked a chuckle in response and questioned her again. "What's your name, dear?" Coral held the microphone up to Cordelia's lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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