Local Demigods Gang up on Typhon

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They appeared in a shaded forest, the sun peaking over the horizon and casting the area in long shadows. The barest hint of a motel peaked between the trunks, the edge of civilization before them. Once they popped out, Will kneeled and threw his lunch in the nearest bush. Nico swayed on his feet but stayed standing and gave Percy a small thumbs up.

"I'm good. Treaty is..." Nico trailed off and Percy winced at his gags. Considering the ranger was from the past and had never ridden in a car before, shadow travel wasn't the best mode of fast transport. "Not so good. You okay?" Nico asked and the last chunks of his lunch were gone to the bush. Treaty nodded and wiped his mouth, he attempted to stand tall despite his trembling figure.

"Yeah. Let's never shadow travel again," Percy patted his back and steered him away from the vomit bush, which he didn't dare look at.

"It gets better, don't worry, and look! A motel. Let's take a break-"

"Percy, we don't have any money," Nico cut in, Percy frowned. He patted his back pocket and felt no familiar bump, he tried his other pocket, his coat pockets, and came empty-handed. Nico was right, they didn't have any money.

"I knew I was forgetting something," he hissed to himself, of course, he forgot his wallet. This was why he had a pen sword he couldn't lose, he wondered if he could make his wallet like that too. Percy entertained the thought of a thief stealing his wallet, only to find their hand empty, it would be handy. He shook the thought away, "Did you bring any cash?" he asked Nico.

"No. I'm broke," he deadpanned, of course.

"I have money," Treaty said and pulled out a sack.

Percy blinked, "Sweet-" he grabbed the bag, it was heavy, too heavy, and jingled once he took it off Treaty's hands. Treaty shouldn't have modern-day money, this wasn't the good- ole Washington and Lincoln he was hoping for. "Treaty, if I open this bag and there are golden coins, I'm throwing this at you," Percy deadpanned.

"But it's money?" Treaty said.

Percy smiled and handed it back to Treaty, "You can keep it."

"Your shingles are useless Treaty," Nico whispered and poor Treaty looked disheartened. A shell of a man who lost his lunch and had nothing to his name except shingles.

"It's silver crowns..." he whispered under his breath.

Percy sighed, "We'll have to relax in this forest instead, no motel," Treaty, having no problem with this, flopped onto the ground. He put on his hood and wrapped the cloak around himself, he appeared to disappear into the ground when the cloth covered him. Nico saw it too and squinted at him.

"What the- your cloak," Nico muttered. Treaty took off his cowl and raised a brow. "Is it camouflage?"

"Indeed," he said. "You thought I wore a moss-colored cloak for nothing?"

"No, I... yeah I guess it's obvious huh?" Nico sputtered. "Good camouflage," Percy agreed, he could barely make him out from the grass.

They spent most of their time relaxing til the sun was high in the sky, the soft breeze and cool shade the trees provided were enjoyable. He had to admit, the forest was better than a musty room the motel would provide, from the outside Percy could tell they had black mold seeping into the corners. Plus, the forest was free. Once Treaty wasn't going to throw up again and Nico didn't look dead, they started to walk toward Mount Saint Helens. They trudged through the forest and avoided any roads or civilization, for good reason.

"Treaty would freak out if he saw the modern day," Nico said.

Treaty's brows furrowed, "No, I wouldn't."

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