Chapter Two ~ Russia

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groan, rolling onto my side, turning off my alarm. It's too early to get up. I think, shutting my closed again.

But right before sleeps steal me away, I remember what day it is. My eyes fly open and I throw my blankets off of me. I scramble out of bed, not bothering to make my bed. I've never been so excited to go to a world meeting before, but this one is different.

This one, there will be a certain someone there to brighten up the room. That certain someone and I can finally see one another face to face. We will go out for a drink, we will cuddle, we will do anything we want to.

That some one is my Sunflower, Alfred.

And I can't wait to see him! It's been over three weeks since I've seen him. Beleive me, it's been the longs three weeks of my life. Sure, I get to talk to him over the phone every few days, but it just isn't the same.

I want to hold him, kiss him, run my fingers through his silky hair, stare into his endlessly blue eyes, and just be near him. I'm always so cold with out him near me, and I hate it.

My thoughts still lingering on Alfred, I pull on some brown pants, a gray tee shirt, one of my tan coats, and then walk into my bathroom. Opening the mirror door, I pull out a roll of gauze.

While wrapping the gauze around my scarred neck, I can't help but trail my thoughts to Alfred again. I am comfortable with showing him my ugly scars, but if any one else were to see them, I would surely die of embarrassment. I almost did the first time Alfred saw them.

Just one more reason I love my Sunflower.

Satisfied with my work, sure that no one will see the scars, I walk back into my room to grab a scarf for extra protection.

Walking out to my kitchen, I turn on my coffee pot. For once in my long life, I find myself tapping the counter top that I lean against with finger nails and my foot bounces on the floor. For once, I'm impatient for the damn coffee to finish brewing.

Before the pot can even finish beeping, I'm pouring the coffee into a mug with a bit of vodka that I set out just minutes prior so I can get on the road as soon as possible.

After securing the coffee, I stroll into the living room, grab my bags, and leave the house, making sure to lock it behind me.

The evening before, I made sure to triple check that I had everything taken care of for this morning so that I could just wake up and get on the road.

Reassured by this thought, I get into my car and leave my driveway with out worrying about anything. I know everything is packed, the house is clean, except my bed, oops, and all my paperwork for the next few days is complete in advance.

This meeting is the final world meeting of the year, so it's also the longest. This particular meeting used to be my least favorite, but it just might become my new favorite this year. And that's all that ks to Alfred.

As impatient as I am to get to the meeting and see my Sunflower, I'm careful when driving. With my house tucked deep in a thick forest, I have to be leery of wild animals and what have you.

I'm careful on the highway to Europe as well. I would rather take my time, arriving at the meeting safe and sound, then get into a crash or worse.

Cruising down the highway, the silence starts to ring in my ears so I turn the radio on to my classical station. This triggers the money of my drive home, six weeks ago, with Alfred. He couldn't sit still, so to counter that he blared the music. Thinking back on it, I laugh out loud at how silly he looked trying to imitate an air guitar.

I can't believe how much I miss him. All the more to look forward to seeing him again.I ha e so much to say to him, I won't know where to begin.

Thinking if what I want to say to my Sunflower, I realize I'm not thinking of what to say to other countries. I shrug, knowing there really is no point. My boss gave me some notes on things he wants me to bring up at the meeting, but other then that, I don't plan on talking to other countries much.

Sure, I might have always been a little lonely and wanted to talk to other countries, but that was before Alfred.

Yes, it might be a good idea to strengthen relationships with the other countries, but why use all the effort to do so when my boss can do that?

Alfred is the one who sees the meeting as a fresh start, not me.

I really don't see how the other countries could or would change. They have always feared me, even when I would try to be nice to them. So what is there to keep them from being scared of me now? The only thing that has changed is Alfred's opinion on me, and with not many countries that respect Alfred, I don't think anyone will change their view of me.

So I honestly don't see a point in trying still. I will just let the others be themselves, think what they will think, and I will just keep Alfred all to myself.

He is all I need, all I want, and we are so perfect for each other that nothing can go wrong between us.

Continuing to let my thoughts drift, I make my way to Roderich's house. With Austria being the closest to the center country in Europe, Roderich hosts many of the work meetings with Ludwig's help. At least when the meeting is being held in Europe.

I don't mind because Roderich's house is always filled with the most soothing music. I always enjoy visiting Austria.

Just one more thing to look forward to for this meeting.

Hello :D thanks for reading and sorry it's a tiny bit short! ( kind of ) but I have an excuse this time! GinjaNinja is going out of town for Alfred's birthday. We both agreed we needed to up date this story soon, so she said she trusted me to do the second chapter. She might change parts of it when she gets home, but I don't think she will change much. And that means she gets to do chapter three ^~^ Also, happy fourth of July to my fellow Americans! Hope you all enjoy, feed back is always loved, and sweet dreams!!!
In loving memory of GinjaNinja ;3

Ludwig = Germany
Roderich = Austria
Ivan = Russia
Alfred = America

P.S. Blu is really lazy, and so I'm not going to proof read sorry but that's Ginja's job x3

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