Chapter 3 ~ America

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FOREWORD: Hey guys! Ginja here with Chapter 3! YASS! Sorry this took so long but behold... it is born. This chapter was a ton of fun to write. Before you read... warning !_! There is some swearing.... so yah. Not too bad just a few here and there but.... alright! Have some fun with Chapter 3!!! *Parties Hard*

   ♪♫ And I'm proud to be an American....♪♫ I can hear a soft echoing of one of my favorite songs drifting through the air. It slowly gets louder and louder as I jolt up from my bed and smack my alarm clock with force, successfully turning it off.

     "Uhhg, jeez" I yawn as I rub my eyes away from addicting sleep. I stretch my strong arms above my not completely sleep-ridden head . A thought hits me harder than a semi hauling Twinkies. 

     'It's today! the meeting! The meeting that's going to change everything!' A smile spreads across my face and I think about those strong, brawny arms enclosing me in a tender grip known only by me. It belongs to Russia....

     I glance at my clock... My eyes immediately open as wide as a fat-kid's mouth when he downs a doughnut.

     "No way! My alarm has  been going off for 30 minutes!" I frantically gulp as I try to make my way off my comfortable bed. 'This turning into a disaster' I thought gruffly, 'I will not let this ruin the day.' As if to prove me wrong, my gangling foot caught on part of my American flay bed sheets. I proceeded to ram my head face first on my floorboards effectively leaving a red mark on my forehead. I raced to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, half-assidly combed my unruly hair, and shaved my face slapping some aftershave inflicting a yelp as I ran into my room again. I threw on a gray suit with an unmatched tie of purple polka-dots on white (Why do I even have that tie?)I then proceeded to find two unmatched socks to go with my unmatched suit. Perfect. This couldn't be going any better. I checked my leather watch and saw I was 10 minutes behind schedule.

     "Damn" I muttered to myself. I grabbed my briefcase given to me by my bother England for Christmas and shoved all the papers I (thought I) needed inside. Before I headed out, I ran to the fridge to grab an energy drink. This wasn't ideal for the best debut of my awesome adult-likeness but... it would have to do.

     I jumped into my red Ford F-250 and slammed the door shut. I adjusted my mirrors and seat and breathed for the first time that morning. I looked at my tussled, straw hair and beet red forehead in my rear-view mirror...

     "This day will be better.... I won't let it be any other way"


      As I pulled up to Austria's house, I already saw the loads of foreign vehicles parked at the meeting area. 

     "Shit" I said under my breath. I glanced at my watch and saw I had less than a minute before the start of the last meeting of the year. I sprinted fast down the hallway and saw the ever approaching oak doors signaling the finish. As I made it through, I let out a sigh of relief and smiled as I saw I had just got there in time. My happiness was short-lived as the first thing I saw was the angry and somewhat disappointed look on Arthur's face.

     "Late again per usual I see...tsk. Somethings never change." Iggy glared daggers at me as I joined the other countries. Some sporing similar of distaste, some pitying. I felt heat come upon my frowning face and I took my seat as usual next to my transparent twin and the cat-loving nation, Greece. I then remembered what, more like who was there... Ivan. A smile escaped my solemn face and I looked around the busy room for him. I spotted the long gray scarf in my peripherals and leaned forward and side glanced at my former enemy. I remembered him mentioning that didn't want to rise suspicion about us two being together. He therefore sat a little out of view of me in the meeting room.   I saw a small smile curl up form his lip and returned it shyly. No matter how I started this day. I was going to come out on top. As Ludwig pulled from N. Italy's vice grip on his arm, he cleared his throat and started the meeting. 

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