식료품 아침 -61

73 3 0

Grocery Morning




“Now what?”

“I dunno?”

Yoongi and Jimin stare at each other.

“Today's. . . Hm, today is Saturday?” asks Jimin, rolling to the other side of the bed and getting off.

“Ya. . .” Yoongi stays on the bed, staring up at the ceiling of their room.

Jimin stretches a big and leaves to the living room, to find the wide awake puppy they found. “Hello, Puppy.” says Jimin, as he crouches on the floor and pets her.

“Oh! Daddy!” Jungkook quietly exclaims as he walks out of his room. He takes advantage, that his daddy is crouching, to wrap his tiny arms around his neck.

“Hey, Kookie! Good morning!” Jimin held him in his arms. “Wait. . . How did you get out of your crib?”

Jungkook giggles, burying his face into the crook of Jimin’s neck.

“How did you, my sneaky baby?” Jimin asks.

“Daddy, secret.” says Jungkook.

“Hm. . .” Jimin stares at Jungkook. “Are you secretly a baby monkey?”

Jungkook nods. “And you daddy monkey!” Jungkook reaches out and grabs Jimin's nose, gently.

“And appa monkey?” Jimin asks.

Jungkook nodded as he looked at the door to his parents’ room. And points to it. “Appa monkey still mee mees?”

“No, appa is awake. But just not up yet.” says Jimin, standing from his crouching position, Jungkook in his arms.

“Ok.” says Jungkook. “Then Tae Tae monkey! Jinie monkey! Hobi monkey and Joonie monkey!”

“We are all monkeys, hm?” says Jimin, as he goes to the kitchen and sits Jungkooo down on the kitchen island.

“Mhm!” Jungkook nods with his wide bunny smile.

“Boo!” Taehyung scared his daddy.

Jimin jumps then looks down at his second youngest son. “Tae! You scared me!” Jimin picks him up in his arms and sits him next to his baby brother on the kitchen island.

“Good morning, daddy!” Taehyung exclaims.

“Good morning!” Jimin exclaims back, as he takes out the ingredients to make pancakes.

“Daddy, I scare?” Taehyung asks with a giggle.

“You scared daddy.” says Jimin, grinning.

“Good morning, my two small babies!” Yoongi exclaims, getting out of his room and going to the kitchen.

“Good morning, appa!”

“Good morning, appa monkey!”

“Monkey?” Yoongi asks with a chuckle, kissing their foreheads.

“Apparently we are all monkeys.” says Jimin, turning the stove on.

“A monkey family?” Yoongi asks.

“Tae no monkey!” Taehyung shakes his head. “Tae tiger!”

“A tiger?” Jimin asks.

“I never knew you were a tiger?” says Yoongi, acting.

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