Chapter Eight

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Renesmee's POV

It's starting to rain outside. It's been hours since Dad went to Charlie's and he's usually home by now. I stand in the living room at the wall, waiting for him to get back. My only comfort at the moment is Jake. He's visiting Rachel, his sister, so I can only talk to him on the phone. I bite my lip, tapping my foot on the floor.

"Ness? Nessie you okay?"

"Huh?" I jolt. "Ugh, I'm sorry Jacob. Dad's not home. I'm worried."

"If I know your Dad it's that he's moping in silence in the car or moping in silence in the woods. Nothing new." He jokes.

"That's not funny." I scold, rolling my eyes. "I tried to call him earlier. He didn't answer his phone."

"Nessie, you have no reason to worry. He's fine."

"He better be..I'll kick his undead ass if he doesn't come home soon."

He snorts through the phone. Moments later, slowly, my father's Volvo creeps into the driveway. I gasp.


"Dad's home. Oh God, he doesn't look too happy. Let me call you later, Jake."

"What a minute, Ness. Hey-"

I hang up my cell phone and toss it on the couch. I run to the stairs, knocking my uncle Emmett against the wall. He laughs at me and heads upstairs mumbling about my obsession with my Dad's safety. I leap out of the front door the rain pouring on me like bullets in the dead of night. I see him just stepping out of the car.

"Hey!" I run up to him, stopping when he leans back on the car window. "Dad are you okay?"

He doesn't say much for a bit, looking between me and the ground. "I got into an argument with your grandfather." He sighs, rubbing his wet face with his wet hands.

"About?" He still says nothing. "Talk to me. What did you argue about?"

He looks away, sighing under his breath.

"Was it about Mom?" I guess gently.

The mention of her has his eyes darting to my face. He licks his lips. "It was...It was kind of about your mother."

"So there was more." I assume.

"Let's go inside, you're getting soaked."

I block him. "I don't care. You had me worried all night. What were you and Charlie arguing about?"

"You are so stubborn." He chuckles. "You get that from her you know that right?"

"Dad!" I say, getting irritated.

"Ok, we were arguing about Stiles." He tells me, gritting his teeth, wringing his hands.

"Stiles? Stiles Stilinski? Why were you arguing about him? What does he have to do with Mom?" I ask confused.

"Get in the car with me."

Eager to learn about the issue, I jog over to the passenger seat while my father takes the wheel. He doesn't turn on the car or anything but looks off into the house, examining the lights going on and off as various members of the family walk around.

"What do you think of him?" He asks.

"Stiles is funny. He just has this witty personality that can lift anyone up. I like him. But Scott..." I giggle, biting my nail, "he's so cute. He's like a puppy and you know how much I-"

My father's eyes are agitated when they look at me. He pulls his infamous crooked smile and I blush, embarrassed. "Do you have a crush on Scott McCall?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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