Chapter Two

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Alice's POV

I walk into living room with Jasper and see the whole family gathered around each other. Nessie sits between Edward and Jacob, each holding a hand. Carlisle stands by the fire, Esme's arms wrapped round him. Emmet sits next to Edward with Rosalie on his lap.

"Alright. Everyone's here. Edward, Jacob could you tell what you saw."

"We have new neighbors." Jacob says with sarcastic happiness.

"They aren't normal. Not all of them. Three werewolves, a banshee, and hunter. The others are completely human. But they seem to know about them and are unfazed by it."

"I had Seth sneak over to spy on them. There are nine people in all."

"What else did he gather?"

Jacob continues, "The banshee, two of the wolves, and the human boy are all young enough to be in high school. The human boy's father is most likely Charlie's replacement. The wolf's father is an agent. He might be working with the cop. The wolf's mother is a nurse."

"What about the other two?"

"The hunter and the older wolf are a couple. They are basically just there. They aren't in school and I assume the wolf is rich, he payed for most of the house."

"Edward what do you have to say?"

"They aren't of any harm. The hunter is on their side so if we play nice and don't cause any trouble with the young ones at school, she won't try and hurt us. But I don't think she would anyway. They nurse's son is the alpha. The young wolf is a beta, so is the older wolf. The human boy is like the alpha's right hand man. He's considered a pack member but he is not a wolf. The banshee and hunter are also a pack member."

"What should we do?" Jasper pipes up.

"I think we should take Edward and Jacob's advice and befriend them. Make them allies. Any thoughts?"

"No." Rosalie rejects.

"Why Rose?" Esme asks.

"We are fine the way we are. Besides we already have a wolf pack with us."

"But they aren't like the Quileutes. They are actual man-wolves. They aren't just shifters take take wolf form." Edward says.

"Plus, we've never had a banshee or a hunter. And a hunter on our side would be incredible. Plus, more police force, not just cops but an AGENT. A nurse to help if Carlisle can't, come on Rosalie, it's like a jackpot!" Jacob tells her.

She rolls her eyes and leaves. "Fine but when they turn on us don't say I didn't try to stop you."

Emmett sighs and leaves with her. I can tell he's on our side. "Alice? Have you seen anything on them?"

"No I haven't" I answer.

I guess I speak to soon. My vision is clouded. I see the two wolves, the boy and the banshee in school. I see names. I see them laughing and acting like normal teenagers. Edward is talking to the boy now. They have a class together. Oh wow. That's new Edward looks a happy. Ok there is two wolves. The alpha is staring at someone. Just as I'm about to see who it is, the vision is cut short. A hybrid. He's staring at a hybrid. Bound to be one of ours.

"Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar, and Lydia Martin. Those are the names of the ones in school."

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Edward asks out loud and he is ignored.

"Nothing on the others?" Carlisle asks.


"Talk to them throughout the week. I'll sure to talk to Scott's mother during work should I see her. If I run into her husband and her ex-husband, I'll do the same. Kids, try to find a way to get to their house so you can meet they last wolf and the hunter."

We all nod and know our part in seeing who our new neighbor's are.

"Alright." Carlisle finishes. "At least we have something."


So I had to do this from Alice's POV so we could see her vision of Scott's pack.





Love you!

P.s. Hehehe did you get the Lydia reference that Edward said? Hahaha! I had to.

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