Chapter Five

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Liam's POV

It may be lunch time but I'm still pissed at the others for doing that this morning. I scrubbed and scrubbed and I think I still have traces or red and blue in my hair somewhere, I know it. Lydia, Stiles, and I have been sitting here listen to Scott ramble about this girl for fifteen minutes when Stiles finally speaks up.



"Nessie's older brother told me that she already had someone in mind and what I've heard of him, he's like...major protective and clingy to her. I'm not sure flirting with her is a good idea, bro."

"He doesn't have her around his arm yet does he? I still have a chance. Besides Stiles, it's all up to her anyway. Also, I just met her. I still want to get to know her."

"Alright but if this guy shows up on some random day and sees you with her he's gonna flip, I found him on Facebook."

"What's his name?"

"Jacob Black. He's a family friend of the Cullen's. He practically lives with them. Scotty I'm not so sure-"

"Come on, Stiles. I know what I'm doing."

"Alright...I'll back off. Look at his profile."

Stiles slides his phone over to Scott. Scott looks at the guy, which I can see. Black hair, brown eyes, probably about 6'6. He looks Native American. A handsome guy. And he just worships this girl left and right. I kinda agree with Stiles here. Scott has a lot of competition with this guy.

"Not looking good Scott. He's known her basically forever and you've known her for four hours. I'd lay back a bit." I say.

He sighs and slides the phone back over to Stiles. I feel bad but it's true, it'll be hell and back before he can hug this girl in that guy's presence.

Lydia says, "Wait a minute. Stiles go back to Renesmee's page."

He does and hands her the phone.

"I had a feeling that house was familiar. They're our neighbors. They're the giant glass house before us."

"Well shit! Now we're next door neighbors. Scott's never gonna leave her alone."


"Sorry bro. Hey I'll be back, I have a plan to find out more about this Jacob guy."

I see Stiles stand look around, he sees a table and starts walking toward it. I spike up my listening to hear what he's saying to a guy that looks severely like the Nessie girl.

"Hey can you help me with the homework Mr. Cole gave us? I have work right after school and I-"

"Yeah sure. I'll help." The guy says a bit too quickly.

His other family members look between the two of them except for Nessie who seems to be happy to see Stiles. They start walking back to the table. I take the way this guy acts around Stiles and it's kinda weird...and funny. He seems to look every which way to make sure nothing happens to him.

"Ok, guys this is Edward, Renesmee's older brother."

He nods to us.

"Edward this is Scott, Liam, and Lydia."

He nods again. "I take it I'm not here to help you with homework?"

"No, sorry Eddie, I don't have a job." And Stiles laughs.

"What then?"

"What can you tell us about Jacob Black?" Lydia asks.

"'s been a family friend since Nessie was little. He was a friend of my ex-girlfriend."

"Break-up?" I ask.

He looks at me and this devastating pain locks me to his stare. "No...she died."

I flinch. It's subject touchy for both Scott and Stiles. "O-our girlfriends are dead too." Stiles mumbles awkwardly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't hav-"

"It's alright. You didn't know. Neither did we." Scott says and he smiles.

Edward smiles back at him. Scott's protective true alpha-ness radiates across the table and it gives us a sense of peace.

"So what else can you tell us about Jacob?" Lydia pipes up.

"He's..Native American. Quileutes from down in La Push. He's the leader of his tribe or the Alpha if you will. They worship the wolves. They have an actual legend of their people shape shifting into giant wolves."

Great another Alpha, I think. Even if it's theoretical. At least they aren't werewolves.

"That's interesting that you say that." Scott says.


"We like wolves too." He says back with a sly smile.

It kinda feels nice having this guy on our side for Scott. I can tell he's fond of him. He's really find of Stiles.

"I'd love to stay longer but my sister Alice is probably gonna-"Suddenly his phone beeps. "-text me and wonder why I'm still here."

A crooked smile crosses his face. He waves to us with a two finger salute and off he goes, back to his table.

"That's interesting." Stiles says.

"Why?" I ask.

"It looks like we aren't the only wolves around. I think he was being literal." Scott assumes.

"Than what does that make the Cullen's?" Lydia asks. "They aren't wolves."

"I know." Stiles claims.

"What?" I ask.

The two of them look at Lydia and I.

"Come on you guys!" Scott says.


"The pale skin, the glowing eyes, the fact that the only one at the table eating is Nessie, hell even their mannerisms give them away."

He stops and waits for me to get it because Lydia seems to understand now.

"They're vampires."


Duh duh duh!!!!! All those years of studying the supernatural have payed for Scott's pack. They've just met the Cullen's and they already know.





love you guys. Xoxoxo.

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