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My fingers swipe against my phone screen as I lay flat on my bed, surrounded by darkness. I roll over, shifting to a more comfortable position, and hold my phone over my head while continuing to swipe. This may be my first off day from work in a month, and I'm relieved as hell. I need a break after the past few days, even if it is only for one day. With this free time, I plan to do nothing but lay in bed, sleep, and maybe get drunk with the bottle of vodka tucked in the back of my fridge. In fact, I'll probably pop that open soon.

I let out a small laugh at the video that appeared on my feed, but the moment is disrupted when a notification slides down from the top of my screen, accompanied by a sharp ding. I squint my eyes as I notice it to be an email, which I consider to ignore. However, my curiosity leads me to click on it, and I wait patiently as it loads into the email. As soon as it does, my face contorts in annoyance when I notice who sent it. I'd never gotten an email or anything of the such from Vox, and I certainly enjoyed that little bit while it lasted. A question arises in my head wondering how he even got ahold of my email address, though I'm not surprised he found a way. 

Despite the urge to close out of the app and forget about it, I figure it's too late now, and I might as well see what he has to say. My eyes scan the text:

I need you to come to work in an hour. There's a meeting I need to attend, and my assistant will not be present to take notes, so I thought you could cover it instead. I'll give you a raise for your troubles.


My phone slips from my grasp just as I finish reading, falling flat onto my face. I wince, quickly taking my phone back into my hand. Of course, I cannot get so much as one day to myself. And on top of that, Vox thinks he can just bribe me with extra money. Well, on the other hand, if all I have to do is sit in a meeting and take notes, I'd say the money is worth it. Besides, judging by his short, blunt wording, I can assume he's not actually giving me the choice. Unfortunately, due to skipping over the contract's conditions like an idiot, I have neither my soul nor my freedom.

With a groan, I drag my feet onto the floor and push myself up. One hour is pretty short notice, but what do I expect from Vox at this point? I quickly shower, do my hair, and get dressed before grabbing my bag and heading toward the door. Getting drunk will have to wait.


The moment I step off the elevator, I am greeted with Vox's displeasing voice. "Good. You're here."

I blink a couple of times, watching as he immediately walks off, so I catch up to him. "There was no one else to fill in for your assistant? I'm just curious."

From the corner of my vision, I catch him rolling his eyes, though I'm not quite sure why he's bothered. "No. If I were to guess, I'd say you have nothing better to do anyway."

"Maybe not anything better, but I could've used a break," I explain.

"You're getting a raise, so I don't want to hear any complaints from you. I could've dragged your ass here either way, but luckily for you, I'm in a decent mood," he deadpans.

Knowing he's made a point, I remain quiet. The truth is, he could make me do far worse things besides work. It's not that he is showing sympathy, because I'm well aware that he doesn't have a nice bone in his body, but I'm curious as to what the reason may be. I'm not the first soul he's owned, that's for sure, and I've heard about the horrifying things he's done to those he no longer needs. The thought sends shivers down my spine, as I acknowledge that he could make my life a living nightmare within a second.

Eventually, he leads me into a large, empty room where a long table stands in the center. He closes the door and walks over to a desk in the corner, opening a drawer before searching through it. I stand silently in my place, noticing him pull out a notebook and pen as he holds them out to me. 

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