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I press my index finger to the buzzer button alongside the large doors of the Vee tower, hearing a faint ring emanate on the other side in turn. The doors aren't normally locked, though since it's past work hours, I'm not surprised some form of security measure was installed. After all, not only is this the Vees' workplace, but also their residence. 

A few moments pass before the door opens, and I am greeted by a short demon who wears butler-like attire. He maintains a neutral expression. "Name?"

My brows scrunch together, but I decide against questioning. "Y/n L/n. I received an email from Vox saying he needs to see me. Do you want me to pull that up?"

He responds with a firm shake of his head. "That won't be necessary. Come inside." He steps to the side.

I enter the building, and the butler closes the door behind me before walking further down the hallway. "This way." 

Despite my slight skepticism, I follow a few steps further back. It's not as if this is the first time Vox requested my presence so suddenly, but the fact that the matter could not wait until tomorrow fills me with concern. Of course, I'm pissed above all else. Considering it is almost 10:00 at night, my feelings are well-justified. Unfortunately, it is due to my reckless actions that I am here in the first place. So, I have myself to thank.

I am taken to a different floor, one that I remember Vox taking me to the day of the extermination party. The unpleasant memory is not one I've tried to forget but rather one I've come to terms with. At last, the butler stops in front of a door I haven't entered before and ominously turns around, leaving me alone in the hall. I glance down at the doorknob, inhaling a sharp breath before pushing the door open. 

Rather than seeing one person, as I initially expected, my eyes are met with three: the Vees. They are closely lounged back on a fancy-looking couch situated in the center of the room, each of them engrossed in their phones. Though the TV is on in the background, they pay no attention to it. However, the sound of my entry causes their heads to whip toward me. 

My widened eyes blink from Valentino to Velvette and to Vox while I struggle to find words. "I... you said you needed to talk to me?"

Vox doesn't move an inch from his position but raises his head in a short nod. "Oh, right," he starts. "It's movie night. We wanted you to join us."

I stare at him, practically like a deer in headlights. "Wait, what?"

"Movie night. With us," he explains in an almost degrading tone as if explaining to a brainless child.

"In the email, you said the reason was important," I state confusedly. "I wouldn't have come if I knew you just wanted me to watch movies with you." 

He lets out a mix of a scoff and a laugh. "Which is exactly why I made that excuse."

At this point, my existence feels more like one within a fever dream. I'm far from lucid, especially after hearing such a ridiculous reason for being asked here.

"Come on, take a break," Velvette chimes in, propping her arm up on the top of the couch to get a better look at me. I notice her unstyled hair for the first time. "You've gotta lower those stress levels. You'll get wrinkles, y'know."

Valentino nods, tilting his head at me with a frighteningly seductive smile. "Besides, it's been a while... At least since we've talked, no?"

Velvette only barely convinces me— Valentino, not at all. "I appreciate the offer... I really should get home, though. I've got things to do."

Vox raises a brow and speaks in a teasing voice. "Plan on getting a little tipsy, I assume?"

My face reddens at his suggestion, and though the exact idea had crossed my mind, I snap back in defense, "I'm not an alcoholic." It's odd how I recall saying the same thing once before. 

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