A Warrior is Born Part 1 The Beginning of the Story

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Tang explains.

Tang: The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. Rising from the Netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him, no one could resist. No one except... the legendary Monkey King. The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain. He trapped the Demon Bull King underneath it. The Monkey King sealed the mountain with the staff that no other being could wield, trapping the Demon Bull King forever. With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished, never to be seen again. Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain, the one thing keeping our world from certain destruction. And with the Demon Bull King gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with five-star cuisine, and all because of the Monkey King.

MK stands in place with joy. You, on the other hand, showed no signs of excitement.

MK: Oh, that's so good! Monkey King's so cool! He's so strong and handsome-

Y/N: I don't think so. He almost ruined a lot of people's lives. Okay, everyone makes mistakes, but... I think Macaque would have been a better hero.

MK returns to his sister with disspaointment.

MK: Come on Y/N!

Y/N: I'm just stating the facts.

Tang: Oh, MK and Y/N. And you two thouht you knew all the Monkey King stories.

Y/N: Even though I'm not that big of a fan-

MK interrupts you.

MK: Oh, but I do. I got his whole life documented extensively in this unauthorized autobiography of Monkey King. Written and illustrated by yours truly. Like I knew he was born from a stone, and live behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkey friends! And- and- and oh!

Y/N: Whoa! Hoot!

Tang: It's nice to know that someone is actually taking in all these stories. (He looked at you mockingly as he said this. You just sulked.) Pearls of wisdom dripping from my lips. (Clears throat) Well, you know the deal: one story, one freebbowl of Zha jiang mian. Hmm?

MK: Huh? Oh right, free noodles! Yep, on it!

Immediately. MK takes a bowl of noodles.

MK: How heavy do you think a mountain is? Compare to like-

Just as he is about to give the bowl to Tang, someone throws a spoon at him.

Pigsy: Free noodles?!

He takes the noodles. He gets up on the table and yells at Tang.

Pigsy: No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!

Tang pulls Pigsy away from him a bit.

Tang: Ah, but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom.

Pigsy: Yeah? Well, wisdom doesn't pay the rent, you freeloader! And you two!

He points to you and MK. You two were both shaking with fear.

Y/N: (whispering into MK's ear) I think we're done now.

MK: I think so too...

Pigsy comes to you angrily.

Pigsy: You've both been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out, so quit slacking and get packing!

MK: Yeah. We werebabout to take our break. So...

Pigsy: Break? Break?! There's no break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?

Y/N: Uh, do you mean across the street?

Pigsy: I stand by my statement! Hurry now!

You could still hear Pigsy and Tang fighting when you both left.

Pigsy: Hey, get back here, you coward!

Tang: No, Pigsy!

Pigsy: I want my money!

At that time, you and MK had bought noodles and got into their respective vehicles.

You got on your motorcycle and quickly set off.

While you were leaving, when you looked at the address, you realized that you knew this address. This address was the cinema you loved very much and usually went to with MK and Mei.

Why would anyone want an address here?

You found this strange, but you still continued to go to that address.

You had to deliver that noodle no matter what. Otherwise you would have disappointed Pigsy and the last thing you wanted right now was to get punished.

5 minutes later you stopped in front of the cinema. You got off your motorcycle, grabbed the noodles and entered the building.

There was no one inside.

If there was no one inside, why wasn't the building locked?

For a moment, a chill came over you.

You wished you had a gun or a weapon with you.

You took a deep breath to calm down and slowly but carefully began to walk towards the cinema room.

When you entered the cinema room, you noticed that everything was dark. You took out your phone and turned on your flashlight.

But there was no one.

There was only one black and purple night lantern on the stage.

This piqued your interest. But then you thought for a moment that this might be a trap.

That's why you didn't come down to the stage.

But on the other hand, the person who ordered the noodles was nowhere in sight.

You couldn't wait here for them to come, so you put the noodles on the nearest cinema seat and quickly left.

As you left, a shadow formed in front of the cinema room door and took on a shape.

He took the noodles from the sofa and looked at the door one last time.

"An interesting girl" '

he thought to himself, chose a seat for himself and started eating his noodles.

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