. seven point one

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chapter two

"would you be mad if i hypothetically got a concussion?"

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"would you be mad if i hypothetically got a concussion?"

   "C'MON! I'VE GOT SHORT LEGS, can't you run slower?" Noah yells after the bright red-haired boy as she chases him to a green gate. He turns around to stick his tongue out at her as he sees her struggling to get over it.

That fuels her annoyance even further as she demands the other officer to help her over though embarrassment makes her stop, "Stop, stop, stop!" The other officers look at her, "We have to radio her."

"Do we really have to?" Lopez, another officer asked, his tan skin turned pale. The others nodded, nervous that they would get in trouble for losing the kid especially.

Noah sighed as she rubs her now-closed eyes, "I will never understand why you guys are scared of her."

"Wei, seriously do you not see how frightening she is?" Another officer asked as Noah shook her head negatively, "Of course, you don't! You're like her favorite rook— no wait, actually her favorite officer to work with at all!"

The three other officers start speaking at each other in agreement as a headache begins to form in Noah, "Alright! I'll radio her, you babies!"

Gearing herself up, she clicks her radio and speaks into it, "Hey Sergeant Grant!" Noah drags out the 'y' in hey.

"What did you guys do?" Athena Grant radios back, and the tone of her voice makes everyone including Noah wince.

"We might have lost him," She rushes out, her words jumble together. Noah kind of understands the fear the other rookies have.

"Lost. Who?" her superior officer's voice comes through again.

Noah clears her throat as she looks at the others, "Marvin, we lost Marvin."

  Noah rounds the corner of Marvin's residence as she hears Athena say to him, "—this time Marvin. You ran from the police, it's serious now."

  Athena roughly shuts the car door and turns towards Noah. She crosses her arms as her sunglasses naturally slide down her nose.

  How does she do that?

  Athena taps her right foot on the ground repeatedly, waiting for Noah to respond. It becomes clear that Noah isn't, so she sighs, "Well?"

  Noah clasps her hands together, "I'm so sorry, Sergeant Grant!"

  "Why are you sorry Officer Wei?" Athena questions.

  "Uhm—we let Marvin get away? Wait no, we didn't try hard enough to catch Marvin!" Noah changes her mid-apology as she snaps her fingers and smiles at Athena.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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