alcoholic beverages

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Daisy Evans-Browne was heartbroken, drunk, and alone. 

They'd had a day off from opening since Taylor had made the trip to Kansas City to watch one of her boyfriend's football games, and Gracie, Daisy, and their teams had decided to stay in Seattle and sight-see, turning down Taylor's invite to the game. 

Daisy couldn't handle being around people in love, knowing that her person-- her one, had left her like an illicit affair. 

Daisy hadn't enjoyed the day. 

everything they saw found a way to remind her of the person she still loved--  who didn't love her anymore. 

Space Needle? Henry loved heights and had constantly made fun of Daisy's fear of them.

Lake Washington? they'd made a trip to a lake for their six-year anniversary two years prior. 

the original Starbucks? Henry made coffee for Daisy every morning, without fail. 

so, Daisy had decided that she needed to get some "fresh air" and she'd walked to the nearest bar and ordered the strongest thing they could pour for the twenty-three-year-old singer. 

"aren't you a tad young to be drinking?" A voice rang out, and Daisy looked up to meet the eyes of a tall, handsome man with dimples and kind green eyes. 

dimples like Henry. 

daisy didn't respond,  but the man sat down next to her anyway.

"double vodka tonic with lemon" Daisy ordered, gesturing to the bartender who nodded

"Are you sure you need that?" the guy asked, genuinely worried for the blonde 

"Who died and made you king? I'm twenty-three thank-" Daisy's voice wobbled


one of their inside jokes had always been 'Who died and made you king?' whenever people were sticking their noses where they didn't belong.

"Henry" Daisy choked as she felt the first tear fall 

"Henry?" the guy prodded

"henry. henry would get it" Daisy slurred through the tears. 

her world was fuzzy due to the sheer amount of alcohol in the small woman's system.  But all it was doing was making her grief stronger. 

"he doesn't love me," she said, looking up at her green-eyed companion "I love him. I want to have his babies. why does he not want to have babies with me?" Daisy asked

The bartender came back, Daisy's strong drink in hand, and before Daisy could grab it the green-eyed man shook his head. 

"I don't think this is a good idea. Can you take it? she's not..." he trailed off, hoping the bartender would understand 

"I have to pay-" Daisy argued, trying to grab the drink 

"It's okay. don't worry, let's get you out of here." the man said. "put it on my tab, and I'll be right back" he addressed the bartender 

Daisy went to jump off the stool, but her legs were shaky with anxiety and the alcohol made her center of gravity all twisted. 

Luckily, the kind man wrapped his hand around Daisy's waist and steadied her

hopeful that the cold, rainy air would help sober the blonde up a bit, they exited the bar

"You're pretty gorgeous, you know? you could be loveable" Daisy sniffled, her tears subsiding. 

she turned and faced the man, and planted her hands on each side of his jaw. 

twenty minutes earlier, she could've been a one-night stand. but the green-eyed man knew now that the blonde was too fragile and far too drunk for him to consider taking her home. She needed love and care and not to make careless decisions about where she put her body. 

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