childhood bedrooms

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It took three weeks until Daisy and Gracie's lives started to slow down. 

Daisy was about at her limit after six nights in LA, two nights in Santa Clara, and the rest of the Seattle shows. 

She was burnt out and exhausted. And, she'd had to get up on stage and sing songs she'd written about Henry with a smile on her face. 

the innocent, screaming fans didn't know she cried or panic-attacked herself to sleep every night. 

Daisy and Gracie hadn't been able to bag rooms at the same hotel for the Santa Clara and Los Angeles Eras Tour dates, so while they still hung out all day, Daisy missed her brunette friend. 

her bed felt empty without her. 

Daisy didn't want to admit that she slept better with Gracie one hug away-- the brunette just had that calming energy that Daisy craved. 

Gracie was simple. She was kind. She was funny and smart, and she was also quiet and loving. 

Daisy had thought she would be elated to go home and sleep in her bed for the first time in months. to see her twin sister.

But when she stared at the digital boarding pass on her phone the day she was scheduled to fly home to Mississippi, all she felt was dread. 

"I'm so stoked to see Weenie again" Gracie grinned as she sat down next to Daisy in the sedan that would take them to the airport. 

"I can imagine" Daisy smiled, but her heart wasn't in it

"you okay?" Gracie asked, genuine concern written on her face 

"just anxious" Daisy mumbled 

"they don't know, do they?" Gracie prodded, sensing that was what her best friend was worried about 

"No," Daisy confirmed "What am I supposed to do?! my mom adores Henry. She loved him more than Jackson, I think. They...They wanted this for me. I have never been the perfect daughter like 'Lina has. My Dad talks about it all the time. They were so excited for me to 'finally settle down' and now I've gone and fucked it all up, again. Like I always do"

something about Gracie made Daisy feel safe sharing her most personal thoughts. 

Hell, Gracie probably knew more about her than Henry ever had. 

"bullshit," Gracie said "Hen is blind. You didn't fuck it up. You didn't do anything. None of this is your fault. And if your parents can't see that, then you're going to have to come live with me."  

"my history...i...I can't do anything right in their eyes anymore. I'm the one they fucked up. My dad always reminds me that Lina is the one they're proud of. I left for New York at eighteen. I only see them on holidays. I'm the runaway fuck up." Daisy said, holding back tears. 

Today was the first day in six years that she'd see her parents without Henry in tow.

"you don't have to go home, you know," Gracie said 

"I do. Lina said I need to be home soon, and that It's important." Daisy responded just as they pulled up at the airport

"Okay. Promise to call me every day? if shit hits the fan, you can come live with me in LA for a while, I'll be there until the European leg of the tour starts"

"I promise" Daisy nodded. 

Daisy didn't know how she was going to sleep knowing that she couldn't take a five-minute Uber and be in her friend's arms anytime she needed to.

Daisy watched Gracie walk off to the check-in register for her flight and felt like a part of her was missing. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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