A Courthouse, A Crook, and A Ceremony

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When Angela Lopez puts her mind to something, she accomplishes it, so when she woke up in the middle of the night to soothe a crying baby Jack only to find Wesley Evers cradling and rocking him to sleep, she sighed as she leaned against the doorframe of the nursery and whispered definitively, "I want us to get married."

"I already took care of asking you, and you said 'yes'. Did you forget about that?" Wes teased. He tightened Jack's swaddle and ever so gently placed him back in his crib before tip toeing out of the room so as not to disturb the finally sleeping baby.

"No," she put her hands on his shoulders where they stood together in the hallway. "I want us to get married this weekend."

"This weekend? We can't get married this weekend."

"Why not?"

"My mom is good, but she can't plan something that quickly."

"We already tried doing the whole big wedding thing, but that didn't work out so well."

"Ang, we can try again. I want you to have the kind of special day you've always wanted."

"I don't want a special day with you," she replied then realized what she said and flashed him an apologetic look. "That's not what I meant. I'm sorry, you know we haven't been sleeping much."

"Exactly, so we shouldn't be making such big decisions in the middle of the night when we're sleep deprived."

She shook her head. "No, I know what I want, and I want to marry you. I don't care how, or where, or what we're wearing. I just want it to happen sooner rather than later."

He was familiar with that look in her eye; he was well aware that there was no way to change Angela's mind when she made such a definitive decision, so he nodded as he slumped forward to drop a tired kiss to her forehead. "I want that, too. Let's talk about it some more later. We should sleep when the baby sleeps."

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Because the morning was chaotic, and Jack would not stop crying, Angela suggested taking the baby for a drive to calm him down. Her drive sent her to the station where she strutted in with Jack snug against her. So many officers approached her to meet her new baby, but she kept the conversations short in favor of navigating until she found the one person she was hoping to find. "Bradford, I need you."

Tim was shocked to see her at work when she was still on maternity leave. He silently gestured for Lucy to finish booking their suspect and went to talk to Angela. "What's up?"

"As my Man of Honor, I need your help, and because Jack hardly sleeps, you're going to have to be in charge of planning of my wedding again."

"You better go through with it this time," he sassed.

She rolled her eyes. "It wasn't my choice not to marry Wes the last time. Blame La Fiera for why we have to go through this again."

He nodded in understanding. "Right. Sorry. So, when is this wedding gonna be?"

"This weekend."

"W- that's in like two days? We can't plan a wedding in two days," Tim said.

"A wedding? Who's getting married?" Lucy asked upon only hearing the tail end of Tim and Angela's exchange.

"I am," Angela answered. "Tim is in charge. Tell me where to show up, and I can't even promise I'll be in a dress when I get there. Honestly, I'll be wearing whatever fits me thanks to the baby weight, so as long as Wes and I get hitched this weekend, nothing else matters."

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