Chapter 17 : War

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"Please, Joonghyuk," Kim Dokja pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "Let me go. We can't go on like this."

But Yoo Joonghyuk's resolve remained unyielding. "No, Dokja. This is how it has to be."

Yoo Joonghyuk's expression softened slightly as he left the room, only to return moments later holding a collar in his hand. His eyes bore into Kim Dokja's as he approached, his movements deliberate and calculated.

Without a word, Yoo Joonghyuk reached out and fastened the collar around Kim Dokja's neck, the cool metal pressing against his skin. Kim Dokja's heart pounded in his chest as he felt the weight of the collar settle around him, a tangible reminder of his captivity.

"I'm a Beta so I can't actually bite down to mark you," Yoo Joonghyuk explained softly, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "But this collar will do."

Kim Dokja's breath caught in his throat as he realized the significance of Yoo Joonghyuk's actions. He felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through him – fear, anger, and a strange sense of resignation.

As Yoo Joonghyuk stepped back to admire his handiwork, Kim Dokja couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat wash over him. Trapped in this gilded cage, with no means of escape, he knew that he was at Yoo Joonghyuk's mercy.

With the collar snug around his neck, Kim Dokja felt a heavy weight settle over him, both physically and emotionally. He cast a wary glance at Yoo Joonghyuk, his eyes burning with a mixture of resentment and fear.

Yoo Joonghyuk's gaze remained impassive as he studied Kim Dokja, as if trying to gauge his reaction. But there was something in his eyes, a glimmer of uncertainty that betrayed his facade of control.

As the tense silence stretched between them, Kim Dokja's mind raced, searching for a way out of this predicament. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that gripped him.

Finally, Yoo Joonghyuk broke the silence, his voice low and filled with an intensity that sent shivers down Kim Dokja's spine. "You belong to me now, Kim Dokja," he declared, his words carrying the weight of a promise and a threat all at once.

Kim Dokja clenched his jaw, his hands curling into fists at his sides. He refused to give Yoo Joonghyuk the satisfaction of seeing him cower in fear.

But deep down, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that things would never be the same again. With the collar around his neck, Kim Dokja knew that he was now bound to Yoo Joonghyuk in ways he couldn't even begin to comprehend.

And as he stared into the depths of Yoo Joonghyuk's eyes, Kim Dokja couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find a way to break free from the chains that bound him to this man.

Kim Dokja's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and desperation as he spoke, his words a desperate plea for understanding.

"Yoo Joonghyuk, this isn't right," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why are you doing this? What's bothering you?"

Yoo Joonghyuk's expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a vulnerability that Kim Dokja had never seen before.

"I don't know," Yoo Joonghyuk admitted quietly, his voice barely audible over the hum of magic that surrounded them. "But something about you... it drives me insane."

Kim Dokja's heart pounded in his chest as he listened to Yoo Joonghyuk's words, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. He wanted to reach out to Yoo Joonghyuk, to comfort him and ease whatever pain he was feeling. But the collar around his neck served as a stark reminder of the power dynamics between them – a reminder that he was no longer in control of his own fate.

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