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CHAPTER THREE: THE HILLS HAVE EYES (aka 03x07: identity )
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"A POPULAR THEORY AMONG leading astrophysicists estimates that the hyper matter reactor would need about ten to the thirty-second joules of energy to destroy a planet the size of Earth," rambled Reid, who stopped for one millisecond of air before continuing. "Now, Lucas said it took nineteen years to build the first Death Star, right? But if you look at the New Essential Chronology, there's a test bed prototype for a super laser that's been -- hey, where are you going?"
Dallis, whose ears were still ringing from the echo of Reid's never-ending spiel of words, caught Emily's eye across the aisle and grimaced. "We start too many days like this."
Emily laughed. "You'd miss it."
"Not as much as I miss a peaceful start to my day."
"Morgan," Reid exclaimed, missing their conversation entirely as Morgan -- who'd been forced to sit through the latest topic of Reid's fascination -- set off towards the stairs. "Where are you going?"
"Taking back the last five minutes of my life."
"You got a time machine I don't know about?" Bored, Dallis discarded the file she was looking over and spun around in her chair to watch him. "Rude of you not to share."
"I was saving it for a day like this," Morgan retorted without missing a beat. Impatient, he stopped at the foot of the stairs and stared up at the open door of Gideon's -- now Rossi's -- office. "Don't any of you want to know more about this guy?"
"I do," Emily eagerly rushed to join him. "Come on, Dallis."
"But I'm comfortable here," she sighed, but she soon stopped protesting once Emily had a hold of her hands and yanked her to her feet.
"You know, I've got everything about him memorised already," Reid declared as the three of them started up the stairs after Morgan, who was a man on a mission. "His books, his bio."
"Yeah, books that sold over a million copies," Morgan said.
"So, there's a million reasons right there not to come back, if you know what I'm saying."
Dallis wasn't entirely sure what she expected a man like David Rossi would have in his office. The door was painted the same navy blue as standard across FBI offices, his name printed front and centre for everyone to read. Inside, the walls were a plain taupe, but it seemed to fit the picture of him she already had in her head.
"Huh," Emily gazed at the walls curiously. "Taupe walls. That's a negative colour. Cold. Distant. Emotionally, taupe is linked to loneliness and a desire to escape from the world."