xvi. guilty as sin

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( aka 03x20: lo-fi )

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THE CLICK OF DALLIS' new high heels echoed crisply off the walls as she marched down the corridor towards the door with the sparkly pink 'Penelope Garcia' spelled out across the front. She had eight paper coffee cups spread across two trays. They balanced precariously in each hand as she stopped in front of the door, struggling to figure out a way to knock without spilling coffee on her white silk top. Normally, she'd just let herself in, but knocking had become a necessity with Kevin Lynch around. Dallis had walked in on the two of them one time too many over the past few weeks, and she wasn't about to make that mistake again.

In the end, she settled for a swift rattle of her toe against the door. Garcia called out from the other side, "Who is it?"

"Santa Claus," Dallis scoffed as her extended arms started to ache. "Open your door, please, or I'll have Morgan bust it down."

Garcia, giggling, thankfully did just that, allowing Dallis to burst inside in a waft of coconut shampoo and floral perfume. She gave a sigh of relief as soon as she'd successfully placed the coffee trays down on Garcia's desk. "No Kevin today?"

"He's not here every day," Garcia rolled her eyes. She happily accepted the coffee Dallis offered her, pausing to take in Dallis' outfit of choice. "Hm, this is new. Am I missing something?"

Dallis glanced down at her clothes and shrugged. "My wardrobe needed an update."

"And there's no other reason?"

Dallis raised her eyebrows when Garcia sat down at her desk, crossed one knee over the other and gave Dallis her full attention. "...Should there be?"

"You tell me." When Dallis remained tight-lipped, she pried further, "Kevin mentioned something about seeing you and a certain colleague of ours in an antique shop alone yesterday. I didn't believe him, because I'm sure you would tell me if something is happening in your love life... wouldn't you?"

Dallis sighed. Damn Kevin. "You know I would, Pen, but I've got nothing to tell you."

Which was the truth. Somewhat.

"So you feel absolutely nothing for David Rossi?" It was hard to take Garcia seriously when she was glaring at her over the rims of her latest purple cat-eye glasses. She'd teased her hair into a half-up half-down style, showcasing two silver hoop earrings on either side of her face. "Don't laugh at me!"

Dallis pressed her lips together. "I'm sorry, okay?" She'd hoped Garcia would forget the question, but of course she didn't. She simply stared blankly until Dallis' chuckles faded into a sigh. "It's just a crush," she mumbled, grimacing when Garcia let out a gasp. "Don't act so shocked. You asked, I answered."

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