xxi. birds of a feather

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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE:BIRDS OF A FEATHER( aka 04x03: minimal loss )

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( aka 04x03: minimal loss )

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SOMETHING WASN'T RIGHT, AND it wasn't the poison that supposedly crept its way through each of their systems. Cyrus' face was blank but his jaw was locked, his eyes creased at the corners. He regarded the people crying with contempt but smiled upon the ones who opened their arms to God's early embrace. They were his in arms, devoted to a higher power, trusting there was more out there for them than what this Earth had to offer.

"Mothers, fathers, children, 'though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil, for Thou are with us. And God will wipe the tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. And there will be no more pain, for all of the former things have passed away.'"

Dallis' gaze landed on Jessica and Kathy. She couldn't see either of their expressions but where Kathy's head was bowed to her lap, Jessica lifted her chin for a better glimpse of Cyrus as he paced the altar steps.

"What do we do?" Emily whispered.

"Nothing," Reid replied.

Emily frowned at him. "We have to do something. These people just took poison."

Dallis shook her head. "No, they didn't."

And even if they had, they were weaponless and powerless. They had no way of helping them.

"Look closer at his body language," she said, to which Reid added, "Just after he told them about the poison, he waited for them to start to react, then he nodded to Cole and he started writing."

It didn't surprise Dallis that Reid had figured out the names of the other men. It was the last thing on her mind, but she supposed it was smart. Who knew? They might need that information if the tide suddenly turned against them.

"The names they're writing down are of the people who are crying," Reid concluded, crossing his arms close to his chest. "It's a loyalty list."

"So he knows who will follow him to the end," Emily's shoulders slackened with a sigh.

At the same time, Cyrus raised a hand, motioning for his audience to stay in their seats. "Be still, there was no poison. Instead, a test of faith, 'because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion choosing whom he may devour!'" His fury overflowed like fire, reflected in the stricken faces of those who had unintentionally exposed themselves with their fear. The tension was thick like the smoke of rising flames, but then Cyrus stopped yelling. "Watch each other for signs of weakness. You are your brother's keeper."

Dallis ran a hand along the side of her face. "There wasn't poison in those cups this time, but I wouldn't put it past Cyrus to really commit mass suicide if things start going off the rails. Look at how he quotes scripture from memory. He knows every single word in the bible. It's the only thing he understands for certain."

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