A commando of six men surrounded the building. This time, there was no possibility of escape. But she didn't know this and was singing under the cool water. Then she got dressed to go out. She had an appointment with a new boyfriend. While she was dressing up with a summer dress and light shoes, the killers were lying in wait. The boss was the passenger in one of three cars, each with two men. He was parked 50 meters from the main entrance of the building. The two gangsters had their machine-guns handy. Not in full sight, so as not to be noticed by passers-by. When she came out, they would charge and pulverize her. In the street. Those were the orders. A warning shot for all the journalists not wise enough to report on anything other than trifles. Alessa closed the apartment door behind her. Yes, she had her keys and her handbag. She could go. Looking forward to this interlude with her lover after the horrors she had experienced in Sicily. She called the lift. In one of the cars, the boss's radio vibrated.
"Yes, said the capodecina."
"Abort, said a well-known voice!"
He called the other two vehicles. One car responded, the other didn't. Alessa was in the hallway and making her way to the exit. She was parked on the right, one hundred meters away. When she got into the street, the team of soldati, who had been warned, was keeping still. But it was useless because there were guys watching the back of the building. The third car, which had not received the message to abort, was parked 50 meters away, opposite that of the capodecina.
The two men inside saw Alessa come out and turn her back on them to walk quickly towards her car. They started up quietly. She had not noticed them. The passenger was holding his machine-gun poised, the window was down. The boss, over there, is leaving it to us. It's easier to surprise a target from behind. The boss is right, thought the driver. But the boss had set off fast and was driving towards them. At the very moment the gunman was pulling the trigger, both cars crashed into each other, causing dents and losing bullets. Alessa was already in her car and on her way. She had naturally heard a noise behind her, but she didn't want to be the witness of a tedious road incident which would have spoiled her evening.
"You can't even keep your radio on in the middle of an operation, yelled the boss."
Thank you for reading this story 😀 Hope you enjoy!

The Octopus at the Vatican
Historical FictionItaly 1978, years of lead. Alessa, the young journalist, investigates frequent crimes at her own risk. The Vatican is laundering money for the mafia. Against all odds, Albino becomes pope. He will clean up the mess. But Cosa nostra wants him dead an...