• ANDREOTTI Giulio, multiple times president of the Italian Council, leader of the DC representing his right wing, practicing Catholic, close to the popes Pius XII and Paul VI, suspected of being linked to the mafia. Says the Stainless.
• BADALAMENTI Gaetano, mafia boss in 1978.
• BERLINGUER Enrico, leader of the ICP.
• BONASSOLI Aldo, inventor, con artist. He lives in Lurano, Italy. First cousin of Albino Luciani and Nina Petri (Luciani). Cousin of Vittorio Petri.
• BURBON Paul, NSA Director. Four-year-old girl, Nelly. Married. 2 other children.
• CALÒ Giuseppe, mafia boss in Palermo.
• CALVI Roberto, fascist, a banker, associated with the Vatican and the mafia, boss of Banco Ambrosiano. Mafia banker from 1974 to 1982, member of the lodge P2.
• CARTER Jimmy, President of the United States from 1976 to 1981.
• DUBOIS Yves, abbot, Vatican diplomat at the UN, French intelligence agent.
• DUCE: title of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini from 1921 to 1945.
• GAMBINO Carlo, American mafia boss after World War II.
• GELLI Licio, fascist, financier, head of the lodge P2. Says the Puppeteer.
• IMPASTATO Peppino, young Sicilian politician opposed to the mafia and murdered by it in 1978.
• JOHN XXIII, Angelo Roncalli, pope from 1958 to 1963.
• John Paul I: see Luciani.
• JONES Nancy, professor of mathematics and cryptography at the University of Rome, head of the NSA's Rome post. Companion of Vittorio Petri.
• LOMBARDI Alessa, a freelance journalist. Also published in the magazine Fendinebbia. Niece by alliance of American President Jimmy Carter.
• LUCIANO Lucky, godfather of American mafia bosses before and during World War II.
• LUCIANI Albino: Pope John Paul I, Giovanni Paolo I, Gianpaolo.
• MACCHI Pasquale, priest, secretary of Montini, then Paul VI from 1954 to 1978.
• MARCINKUS Paul, bishop, mafia associate, Vatican banker (I.O.R) from 1969 to 1989. Protected by Paul VI, then by John Paul II.
• MONTINI Giovanni, archbishop of Milan from 1954 to 1963, pope under the name of Paul VI from 1963 to 1978. Friend of Sindona.
• MUSSOLINI Benito, Italian dictator from 1921 to 1945.
• PACELLI Eugenio, Pope Pius XII from 1939 to 1958.
• Paul VI: see Montini.
• PETRI Ettore, married to Nina Petri (Luciani). Father of Vittorio Petri.
• PETRI Nina, born Nina Luciani, younger sister of Albino Luciani, mother of Vittorio Petri, wife of Ettore Petri, first cousin of Aldo Bonassoli.
• PETRI Vittorio, IOR banker, nephew of Albino Luciani. His mother is Nina Petri. His father, Ettore Petri. Her friend is Nancy Jones. Cousin of Aldo Bonassoli.
• PIUS XII, pope from 1939 to 1958. With fascist sympathy. Eugenio Pacelli.
• SINDONA Michele, mafia, mafia banker from 1957 to 1974. Member of the P2. Friend of Montini.
• WOJTYLA Karol, Cardinal of Krakow, then Pope John Paul II from 1978 to 2005.

The Octopus at the Vatican
Historical FictionItaly 1978, years of lead. Alessa, the young journalist, investigates frequent crimes at her own risk. The Vatican is laundering money for the mafia. Against all odds, Albino becomes pope. He will clean up the mess. But Cosa nostra wants him dead an...