Appendix 4 - Sources & Bibliography

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•, mon sang retombera sur vous (my blood will fall on you), Cédric Vigneault, 6.6.2008.

• La difficile réforme des finances du Vatican (The difficult reform of the Vatican's finances), Antonino Galofaro, 6.1.2020.

• Le Monde, L'énorme scandale du Credit Suisse (The Huge Credit Suisse Scandal), F.R., May 17, 1977.

• Le Monde, Les responsables du scandale financier de Chiasso devant les tribunaux helvétiques (Those responsible for Chiasso's financial scandal before the Swiss courts), Jean-Claude Buhrer, May 29, 1979.

• In God's name, Investigation into the suspicious death of John Paul I, David Yallop, 1984, Bantam Books, new edition, 2011 Ed. New World.

• Le Temps, Crypto a espionné pour la Suisse, elle n'est pas la seule (Crypto spied for Switzerland, it is not the only one), Mehdi Atmani, Adrienne Fichter, Sylke Gruhnwald, November 11, 2020.

• Le Temps, Les grandes affaires économiques de la Suisse. Le scandale de Chiasso, ou l'histoire d'une banque dans la banque (The great economic affairs of Switzerland. The Chiasso scandal, or the story of a bank in the bank), Emannuel Garessus, July 31, 2008.

• Swissinfo, La grande leçon du scandale Texon (The great lesson of the Texon scandal), Gemma d'Urso, Lugano, 23.4.2002.

•, Documents Brigades rouges : les communiqués de l'enlèvement d'Aldo Moro en 1978 (Documents Red Brigades: the statements of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro in 1978), Pierluigi Zoccatelli, March 16, 2003.

• Un système de corruption peu à peu révélé au grand jour au Vatican (A system of corruption gradually revealed in the Vatican), RTS, Valérie Dupont, 30.9.2020.

• Vatican - La cinquième loterie de charité du pape est lancée (Vatican - The fifth papal charity lottery is launched), Pierre Selas, 1.12.2017.

Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia: Aldo Moro, Money laundering, Red Brigades, Calogero Vizzini, Castel Gondolfo, Conclave of August 1978, Cosa Nostra, Crypto AG, Giuseppe Calò, Giorgio Ambrosoli, Giulio Andreotti, History of personal computers, Jean-Marie Villot, John Paul I, John Paul II, Lech Walesa, The Lead Years, Licio Gelli, Michele Sindona, Paul VI, Vatican Palace, Pasquale Macchi, Passeto di Borgo, Paul Marcinkus, Presidency of Jimmy Carter, Peter's Principle, Propaganda due, Pio La Torre, Cultural Revolution, Roberto Calvi, Scandal of Chiasso, Stefano Bontate, Strategy of tension, Assassination attempt of John Paul II, Conspiracy theories on the death of John Paul I, Tommaso Buscetta, Vito Ciancimino, War on drugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2024 ⏰

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