Chap 1

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They went on the plane(first class baby cuz they rich), "oh look we are sitting here." Leewon turns to taekjoo and taeui.
"Hey leewon, I thought we are sitting together," Caesar said, the other daddies nodded in agreement that they should sit next to their partners(soon to be bf/wife)."But there is only 3 seats , it's perfectly split in half. The plane is about to take off. We can see each other when we get off, be patient." Leewon said in a slightly angry voice.
The three daddies gave up and went back to the seat.
"Hey the fuck why are we at the end of the first class aisle!" Ilay exclaimed . "It's gonna be a long flight" zhenya sighed.

Meanwhile with the pookie wookie snookie cutie patooties:
"So how's your relationship with er... your partners, sorry if I got your relationship wrong." Taeui said.
"Ah it's alright, Zhenya is just a stupid, idiot, asshole looking motherfucker that I got paired together. Our relationship is ok i guess..."taekjoo said. "Yeah Caesar is just someone I work with temporarily." Leewon also said while turning his head back to look at Caesar, Caesar responded by grinning and waving his hand. Taeui replied, " oh that's cool, my uncle ordered me and ilay to work together too."
(Bros lying about their relationship with their bfs💀)

The foreign daddies:
The silence was loud between the three men. Then Caesar gave in and said, " sooo where are you guys from since like taeui and taekjoo are from Korea I assume, that's what leewon told me. I'm from Russia." "Oh same , Russia is a lovely country." Zhenya exclaimed. Ilay chimed in, "so im the only one from Germany."
The three started talking about their jobs and random things blah blah, while taeui,leewon and taekjoo are watching movies,laughing so hard that the three daddies heard them and got a little jealous.
"Can't wait to get off this flight." The daddies thought.

Author notes
Sorry for short chapters, I'm trying my best to write longer, I probably will go on small hiatus and wait for the newer chapters of codename Anastasia, passion, roses and champagne to come out so I can get more ideas🫠🫠

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